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Failing test: [MKI][QA][Periodic] Detection Engine - Threshold Rule Execution Logic Integration Tests - Serverless Env - Complete Tier.x-pack/test/security_solution_api_integration/test_suites/detections_response/detection_engine/rule_execution_logic/threshold/trial_license_complete_tier/threshold·ts - Threshold rule execution logic API @ess @serverless @serverlessQA Threshold type rules generates 1 alert when threshold is met and rule query has wildcard in field name #158996

Failing test: [MKI][QA][Periodic] Detection Engine - Threshold Rule Execution Logic Integration Tests - Serverless Env - Complete Tier.x-pack/test/security_solution_api_integration/test_suites/detections_response/detection_engine/rule_execution_logic/threshold/trial_license_complete_tier/threshold·ts - Threshold rule execution logic API @ess @serverless @serverlessQA Threshold type rules generates 1 alert when threshold is met and rule query has wildcard in field name

Failing test: [MKI][QA][Periodic] Detection Engine - Threshold Rule Execution Logic Integration Tests - Serverless Env - Complete Tier.x-pack/test/security_solution_api_integration/test_suites/detections_response/detection_engine/rule_execution_logic/threshold/trial_license_complete_tier/threshold·ts - Threshold rule execution logic API @ess @serverless @serverlessQA Threshold type rules generates 1 alert when threshold is met and rule query has wildcard in field name #158996

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