My very own playground for learning all sorts of different technologies.
- Vulkan - contains my own vulkan C++ wrappers (vulkan.hpp compiles too slow and cripples IDEs)
- Flutter - my attempt to write a Vulkan embedder for google's flutter UI framework.
- RPC, RemoteProto, RemoteServer, RemoteClients - toying with grpc, and asio-grpc for scalable, asynchronous client & servers using coroutines.
Other technologies explored here:
- latest C++23 features such as concepts, ranges, coroutines
- imgui / implot for simple UI, custom vulkan embedding.
- shader authoring
- writing good modern cmake
- vcpkg for package management
- CI / CD
Eureka refers the now-banned-for-climbing Eureka Wall in the Grampians, Australia.