is a client written in Go (golang) that communicates with the SailThru API.
Currently, the client only allows for:
- Creating a job
- Currently the only job type allowed is
- Checking of the job's status
- Return of the job's data once it has completed.
More features to come.
To include in your project, git clone
the repo to your $GOPATH. Put the following in the import section of the package that will make use of go-sail
import (
Setup the APIConfig
c := APIConfig{}
c.APIKey = "TestAPIKey"
c.SecretKey = "TestSecretKey"
c.BaseURL = "https://api.sailthru.com"
Then pass that to the NewSailThruClient
along with a in instance of HTTPClient:
httpClient := gosail.HTTPClient{}
sc := gosail.NewSailThruClient(&httpClient, c)
//Job method to use from the SailThru API https://getstarted.sailthru.com/new-for-developers-overview/reporting/job/#export_list_data
jobtype := "export_list_data"
//The name of the sailthru list to create the job for
listname := "demo_list_1"
//The custom variables you want to be returned in the CSV. These variables must exist in the list
vars := map[string]int{"user_id": 1}
//The response format
format := "json"
resp, err := sc.CreateJob(jobtype, listname, vars, format)
The resp
struct has the following properties:
type CreateJobResponse struct {
JobID string `json:"job_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
List string `json:"list"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Use the jobID to check the status:
job, jobErr := sc.GetJob(jobItem.JobID)
The job
variable is an instance of the Job
type Job struct {
JobID string `json:"job_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
List string `json:"list"`
Status string `json:"status"`
StartTime string `json:"start_time"`
EndTime string `json:"end_time"`
Filename string `json:"filename"`
Expired bool `json:"expired"`
ExportURL string `json:"export_url"`
If the Status
is complete
and expired
is false
, then the JobID
can be used to download the data from the job:
data, dataErr := sc.GetCSVData(job.JobID)
returns an io.ReadCloser
that, can be converted to a slice
of string
like so:
//r is the returned io.ReadCloser from GetCSVData
data, readErr := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if readErr != nil {
//Handle the error as you see fit.
lines := strings.Split(string(data), "\n")
To run tests, run go test
inside the go-sail directory.