Check this tutorial for compiling this demo and flashing it to the mbed shield
- cmd_vel - a geometry_msgs/Twist message with the velocity command to move the robot's servors [-1.0, 1.0]
- toggle_led - a std_msgs/Empty message that toggles the red LED on the board
- rgb - a std_msgs/ColorRGBA message that sets the RGB LED to a specific color (doesn't support PWM)
- imu - a sensor_msgs/Imu message with linear acceleration and angular velocities (orientation quaternions missing) read from the onboard MPU9250 IMU
- temperature - a std_msgs/Float64 with the temperature read from the onboard MPu9250 IMU
- magnetometer - a geometry_msgs/Vector3 message with the magnetometer readings from the onboard MPU9250 IMU
- pressure - a std_msgs/Float64 with the barometric pressure from the MPL3115A2 barometer
Connect to your IFC6410p board (via ssh or with a screen, mouse and keyboard)
In one terminal start the master node by running:
In another terminal run the rosserial serial node:
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyHS2
Now you can list all the available topics by running on another terminal:
rostopic list
You can also connect to the ROS session running on the IFC6410p by doing on your computer:
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<ifc6410p-ip-address>:11311 rostopic list
If the last command doesn't work, check