Yukkuri pastu shite itte ne!
A simple pasting utility for pocoo pastebin api.
To build it:
To install it:
sudo make instal # optional: DESTDIR=/usr/local
To use it:
yukkipaste --help
Build for x86_64 and i686 GNU/Linux are available at
Ebuild is located in directory:
Binary deb is avialable, thanks to madduck@RusNet
Sample --help output:
yukkipaste [OPTIONS...]
--help, -h Prints help message
--modules-dir, -d DIR Appends module path. Stackable.
--list-modules Lists available modules
--verbose, -v Increases verbosity level
--author, -a STRING Your name
--uri, -u URI Pastebin URI
--language, -l LANG Paste language
--list-languages Lists available languages for selected module
--remote-name, -n NAME Remote file name
--mime-type MIME Paste mime type
--module, -m MODULE Selects module to use
--parent-id ID Parent paste id
--private, -p Marks paste as private
--run, -r Marks paste as runnable
Module compilation guide:
Assuming you have installed yukkipaste at DESTDIR=/usr,
gcc `PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig/ pkg-config yukkipaste --cflags --libs` -shared -fPIC module.c