Create Unity UIElements UXML files using the Slim template engine. Works great alongside UIElements-Sass.
XML is a pain to write and looks messy. Slim removes the bloat and adds features like variables, functions, loops.
Here is iteration over an array of strings:
Foldout class='column'
- ['elephant', 'zebra', 'lion', 'giraffe'].each do |animal|
- elementName = 'row-' << animal
Box name=elementName
- imagePath = 'Resources.Load(' << animal << 'Image)'
Image image=imagePath class='animal-image'
Label text=animal class='animal-label'
- buttonText = 'Choose the ' << animal
Button text=buttonText
It compiles to the following UXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<UXML xmlns:xsi="http:/"
xsi:schemaLocation="UnityEngine.UIElements ../UIElementsSchema/UnityEngine.UIElements.xsd">
<Foldout class="column">
<Box name="row-elephant">
<Image class="animal-image" image="Resources.Load(elephantImage)"></Image>
<Label class="animal-label" text="elephant"></Label>
<Button text="Choose the elephant"></Button>
<Box name="row-zebra">
<Image class="animal-image" image="Resources.Load(zebraImage)"></Image>
<Label class="animal-label" text="zebra"></Label>
<Button text="Choose the zebra"></Button>
<Box name="row-lion">
<Image class="animal-image" image="Resources.Load(lionImage)"></Image>
<Label class="animal-label" text="lion"></Label>
<Button text="Choose the lion"></Button>
<Box name="row-giraffe">
<Image class="animal-image" image="Resources.Load(giraffeImage)"></Image>
<Label class="animal-label" text="giraffe"></Label>
<Button text="Choose the giraffe"></Button>
You can learn more about it's features here.
This is just a proof-of-concept so your mileage may vary, but I've tested it on Windows and since it only consists of one script that calls to the command line, I don't see why it wouldn't work everywhere.
UIElements-Slim assumes you have a working ruby installation with the slim gem. You can do this like so:
On Windows: choco install ruby
then gem install slim
Mac: brew install ruby
then gem install slim
Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install ruby
then gem install slim
Then you can clone this repo, add it as a submodule, or download the zip and extract it into your Unity project.
Every time a '.slim' file is added or updated, the script will run the slim compiler and output a '.uxml' file in the same directory.
- It would be great if this didn't depend on a ruby installation and the command line...Unity uses nodejs for some of its processes so if I can figure out how to hook into this somehow perhaps the Slm project based on node can be used instead.