This is a simple AutoHotkey script for enabling Quake-like hiding and showing of Windows WSL bash terminal or Windows Terminal. You just hold down Control key and press Tilde / Backtick. 💾
It uses default minimizing and restoring animations, so there is almost no delay. ⚡
It's pretty straightforward: 🐭
- Download and install AutoHotkey (version 2 supported for Windows Terminal)
- Run
- (Optionally) Place
into auto startup folder (Win+R: "shell:startup") - Run bash and press
CTRL + `
If you are experiencing some weird 👾 screen perturbations while restoring bash from minimized state, it's probably a bug caused by some incompatibility of WSL with tmux and vim. But do not worry. 😺 I have included some hack which automatically refreshes tmux upon restoring the bash window. You just need to find it in the source code (Ctrl+F: "tmux/vim") and remove the comments (;). Enjoy! 😋