AngularJS port of the Admin LTE Twitter Bootstrap theme.
This is very much a work in progress. It includes the CSS styles from Admin LTE, but not the JavaScript.
I am writing AngularJS components to replace all of the dynamic elements of Admin LTE.
Currently implemented are directives for sidebar menu, top menu dropdown lists and highcharts charts.
bower install git:// --save
Include the following files in your HTML:
- admin-lte-angular.min.js
- admin-lte-angular.min.css
Add admin-lte-angular
as a dependency in your AngularJS app.
I have included the LESS sources as well if you want to compile from those as part of your build process.
By default admin-lte-angular.less includes all the less files in Admin LTE, but you can be more selective if you prefer.
The only hard dependencies are AngularJS (tested with version 1.3.2) and Twitter Bootstrap (tested with 3.3).
However, a number of features (charts, toast messages) require additional dependencies that are documented in those sections below.
You can either code your sidebar menu items directly the same way they do in Admin LTE (Angularized version):
Or if you are using ui-router and routing based on states, you can include a single directive in your HTML and define your menu items in your controller. You can also optionally include badges and icons in your menu items.
In Controller:
$scope.menuItems = [ title: 'Dashboard' state: 'dashboard' iconClass: 'fa fa-dashboard' , title: 'Widgets' state: 'widgets' iconClass: 'fa fa-th' badge: 'new' badgeClass: 'bg-green' , title: 'Charts' iconClass: 'fa fa-bar-chart-o' submenu: [ title: 'Morris' state: 'charts.morris' , title: 'HighCharts' state: 'charts.highcharts' , title: 'Inline' state: 'charts.inline' ] ]
bower install highcharts-release --save
bower install ionicons --save
bower install font-awesome --save