This is the Valiantlytix Loyalty application for version v1.0.0
Pre-installation requirements
Below are the minimum version and neccesary software and tools required to build and run the application:
- Java Development Kit 11
- Maven 3
- MySQL Database Community Server 8
Installation instructions
Download and install the Java Development Kit
Download and install Maven
Install MySQL Community Server Database and create a database called "loyalty"
mysql> create database loyalty
Apply and run the database script provided - src/main/resources/scripts/loyalty-1.0.0.sql
mysql -u root -p loyalty < loyalty-1.0.0.sql
Checkout the source code from Github
Run mvn clean install to build and install the application
mvn clean install
The built binaries called loyalty-1.0.0.jar is located at /target folder
To start up the application, run the below:
java -jar /target/loyalty-1.0.0.jar
The endpoints in the application is secured. To generate a JWT token, perform a HTTP POST to this URL with username and password in the request body
POST http://localhost:8080/loyalty/authenticate { "username": "loyalty", "password": "password" }
Sample output:
{ "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJsb3lhbHR5IiwiaWF0IjoxNjQ5NTk5NDE4LCJleHAiOjE2NDk2MTc0MTh9.5zlM7TeDhRSIY1r1MO-NqZllUEE_2fN7H-7eOzzMO4E" }
Configuration settings
These are the available properties for the application:
Configuration | Parameter | Default value |
Context Path | server.servlet.context-path | /loyalty |
Database URL | spring.datasource.url | jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/loyalty?serverTimezone=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur&characterEncoding=utf8 |
Database Driver | spring.datasource.driver | com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver |
Database User | spring.datasource.username | root |
Database Password | spring.datasource.password | p@ssword |
JWT Secret | jwt.secret | javainuse |
To override these configuration, create a file call with the expected values at the location used to start the application. Sample content as below:
- During build, only unit tests are executed. API tests are provided using REST assured library
- Service layer are omitted to reduce the completixity for the assignment
- User authentication for JWT token generation is currently hardcoded as below:
Field Value Username loyalty Password password