Script used for cleaning up Google Container Registry using Cloud Build
There are 4 arguments:
- number of days for which tags should be kept--tags-to-keep
- number of tags which are going to be kept, this takes precedence over--days-to-keep
argument, so it means that even if there are tags older than X but they are smaller than value of this argument, then they will be kept anyway--project
- google project where GCR will be cleaned--do-it
- it actually says script to perform the cleanup, otherwise script will operate innoop
Running the cloudbuild
gcloud build submits --substitutions _DAYS_TO_KEEP=10,_TAGS_TO_KEEP=5 .
You only need gcloud installed and authenticated, script is at least Python3.5+ compatible (but might also work on older 3.x versions of python)
Currently it is hard to user raw Docker Registry API v2 to achieve same goals as this script:
- cleanup only one GCR project
- evaluate number of tags together with their age