Not maintained anymore.
A simple file tracker (created, renamed, deleted, edited) that keeps a list of all changes to a folder.
It was written to track changes to projects I was involved in. Projects that had no source control, the source was in a ftp or I was just handed a folder. When these project has a huge size and changes over time it becomes hard to know what files has been changed. And thus I decided to write a tool to help me keep track of things.
- Add/Remove paths to monitor.
- A information window for each Path showing what has changed.
- Ability to remove changes (one by one and everything)
- DragDrop a change to another window (FileDrop)
DragDrop functions carry over either the folder or file path. I use it to upload files via FileZilla, or open them in editor.
- MainWindow #1, shows the main window with full paths in the listing.
- MainWindow #2, shows the main window with only the folder name in the list.
- Path Info #1, show information about the selected path.
Icon was created using the image My eye created by orangeacid on