Firmalife v1.1.9-beta
Version 1.1.9-beta
- Added oven recipes
- Require bread to be made in the oven
- Added flatbread. Vanilla TFC dough is now flatbread dough. It is less nice than real bread but does not require yeast.
- Flatbread can be used in sandwiches
- Removed ability to make butter sandwiches
- fixed pumpkin dough (maybe)
- ovens can now use a chimney up to two blocks away
- ovens spread fire without a chimney now (CHECK YOUR EXISTING OVEN!)
- update some hoe overlays to work with latest TFC
- update some stuff to work with tfc farmland API
- bundles can be used in ovens as fuel now
- REMOVED THE SCRAPING FRAME RECIPE. NOW YOU MUST RIGHT CLICK THEM WITH A KNIFE TO SCRAPE THEM! This is actually better because it means you can do it within the beehive itself! Wow!
- Added toast. buttered toast coming soon
- Made hives slightly more likely to get filled with bees when they're empty
- Added chocolate as a drying recipe of chocolate blends.
- Hives should now instantly update their appearance when the honey runs out