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Snow property inversion from remote sensing (SPIReS)


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Snow Property Inversion from Remote Sensing (SPIReS)

Landsat 8 OLI

  1. To run an example scence from 20160426 for p42r34, download the zip and m file (2.2 GB) from:

  2. Checkout the code,

  3. Add the code directory and all its subdirectories to your MATLAB path, "addpath(genpath([location where you checked out the code to]))"

  4. run L8_spires_example.m from MATLAB. Tested using R2022B. This latest version of MATLAB will produce some warnings about pixcenters that can be ignored.


Requires MATLAB + Parallel Computing Toolbox + mapping & some other toolboxes

  1. Download R0, cc, watermask, fice, and Z for a given tile or set of tiles from:

For example, for h09v04, the R0 file is

  1. Checkout the code,

  2. Adjust "RunScripts/"
    l9 - codedir - where you checout code to

l10 - mccmfile - where the .net file in lives, i.e.,
l11 - Ffile - lookup table, i.e.,
l12 - HDF MOD09GA reflectance files, i.e.
l15-20 - paths to inputs from 1.

l 24 - # of cores for parpool

l 27-41 - keep as is

l 44 adjust WYs if needed l 47 adjust tiles if needed

  1. Execute at the terminal or run as a SLURM job


Running the full year will take a long time and a lot of RAM, depending on the number of cores used. Using 60 AMD EPYC cores, plan on about 6 hours and about 400GB RAM, or about 7 GB RAM/core. For testing, you can run with a single core.

The minimum amount of time that'll work for smoothSPIREScube is 1 calendar month, i.e dom 1 through 28 to 31, but the smoothing needs a full water year. You can increase "tolval" to speed up computations and decrease quality. You're smart, you'll figure it out.


Bair, E.H., Stillinger, T., and Dozier, J. (2021) Snow Property Inversion from Remote Sensing (SPIReS), IEEE Transactions on Remote Sensing and Geoscience, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3040328

NB 2024-01-05