This is forked from MUGBerlin/vagrant-machines. Vagrant is a nice way to experiment with technologies without polluting your own machine with software.
Please follow the install instructions at
This sets up 4 servers with MongoDB connected via a host-only network.
vagrant up
The startup can take a while.
The IP addresses of the 3 shard servers are
- shard01.local
- shard02.local
- shard03.local
The IP adress of the configserver and mongos instance is
- configsrv.local
Each server has the same setup. If you want to connect to a certain server via ssh use (e.g. shard01):
vagrant ssh shard01
Connect to the MongoDB instances from your host:
mongo --host configsrv.local --port 27019
sh.addShard( "shard01.local:27017" )
sh.addShard( "shard02.local:27017" )
sh.addShard( "shard03.local:27017" )
use config { _id:"chunksize", value: 1 } )
- IP already used within your network
- open the vagrant fiel and change the ip of all nodes: :hostonly, ""
Useful link to the MongoDB documentation: