SQLAlchemy made asynchronous.
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- See also AsynQueue
sAsync lets you use the use the database transaction core of the SQLAlchemy Python SQL toolkit in an asynchronous fashion. In addition to an access broker for conveniently managing database access, table setup, and transactions under the Twisted framework, it provides persistent item-value stores and arrays.
The sAsync package uses a threaded task queue from the AsynQueue package to wrap your SQLAlchemy database access code inside asynchronous transactions. At the lowest level, it provides a @transact decorator for your database-access methods that makes them immediately return a Twisted Deferred object.
For example, suppose you want to run a method that selects a list of row objects from a table. Instead of waiting around for your method to return the list, blocking everything else your program is trying to do, you decorate it with @transact and run it. It immediately hands you a Deferred object that promises an eventual result. You add one or more callback functions to the Deferred and Twisted will call them when the database transaction is finally run from the queue.
Once you've attached your callback function to the deferred result, you can go on with your business, knowing that SQLAlchemy will be cranking away behind the scenes (in a transaction-specific thread) to obtain a result for you. When the result is finally ready, your transact-decorated method will look at the Deferred, see the note you scribbled on it (Pls call this function with the result. Thx!), and give your function a call with the list of rows. It will supply the callback with the list as the function's argument.
Actually, it's better than that. Unless you specify otherwise, the Deferred object will iterate the rows of your database query in an asynchronous, Twisted fashion. The result will be an instance of AsynQueue's Deferator, which spits out baby Deferred objects as it iterates over your result. If you use the consumer keyword to supply an object implementing Twisted's IConsumer interface, the result rows will be "produced" to it instead.
You can also do some asynchronous database operations on a higher level. For example, you can maintain a store of Python objects, with each object accessible (with deferred results) via a unique key. The items.py source file provides a nice simple example of how to use sAsync.
Relational databases operate on tables, and setting up the tables in your database can be a huge pain in the ass. But the job is easier with sAsync's AccessBroker.table method. It creates the table you specify if none exists yet and sets up indices for it, as you direct it. Once the table is in your database, you can reference it as an attribute of your AccessBroker object.
The sensible place to do table setup is at the very beginning, before any database transactions get underway. You can define a startup method of your AccessBroker, and it will get run when the object is constructed.
Here's the startup method for the database access broker in my logfile-to-database parsing application statalysis:
def startup(self):
# Primary key is an auto-incrementing index, which can be used
# to find out the order in which requests were made within a
# single second.
yield self.table(
SA.Column('id', SA.Integer, primary_key=True),
SA.Column('dt', SA.DateTime),
SA.Column('ip', SA.String(15)),
SA.Column('http', SA.SmallInteger),
SA.Column('was_rd', SA.Boolean),
SA.Column('id_vhost', SA.Integer),
SA.Column('id_url', SA.Integer),
SA.Column('id_ref', SA.Integer),
SA.Column('id_ua', SA.Integer),
index_dt=['dt'], index_ip=['ip']
for name in self.indexedValues:
yield self.table(
SA.Column('id', SA.Integer, primary_key=True),
SA.Column('value', SA.String(self.valueLength)),
yield self.table(
SA.Column('ip', SA.String(15), primary_key=True),
SA.Column('purged', SA.Boolean, nullable=False),
yield self.table(
'name', SA.String(self.valueLength), primary_key=True),
SA.Column('dt', SA.DateTime),
SA.Column('records', SA.Integer),
self.pendingID = {}
self.dtk = DTK()
self.ipm = IPMatcher()
self.ipList = []
self.idTable = {}
for name in self.indexedValues:
self.idTable[name] = {}
Notice all the yield statements? Twisted's inlineCallbacks capability makes it easy to use Deferred objects. You don't need to add all those callbacks and a pile of callback functions one after the other. Just decorate your method with @defer.inlineCallbacks (after doing "from twisted.internet import defer," of course) and yield the Deferred objects. Processing will resume in the method when the Deferred fires.
In the startup method, there is nothing obtaining any deferred results. The Deferred objects from each call to self.table are just yielded for asynchronous program flow and that's that. Each one fires when a table has been made (or checked), with no result except the fact that setup work is done for that particular table.
With inline callbacks, you can get the value that a Deferred has been fired with. Often there's important information there. Here's an example of how that is done, in a method of the statalysis access broker that actually accesses database content:
def setRecord(self, dt, record):
Adds all needed database entries for the supplied record at the
specified datetime.
@return: A C{Deferred} that fires with a bool indicating if a
new entry was added.
ip = record['ip']
if ip in self.ipList:
# Ignore this, it's from an already purged IP address
result = False
# Build list of values and indexed-value IDs
values = [record[x] for x in self.directValues]
for name in self.indexedValues:
value = record[name][:self.valueLength]
if value in self.idTable[name]:
# We've set this value already
ID = self.idTable[name][value]
ID = yield self.setNameValue(name, value, niceness=-15)
# Add to idTable for future reference, avoiding DB checks
self.idTable[name][value] = ID
# With this next line commented out and result = False
# instead, the memory leak still persists. CPU time for the
# main process was 66% of normal.
result = yield self.setEntry(dt, values)
The ID value for an indexed value, when not found in the in-memory idTable, is obtained from the transaction method setNameValue. It returns a deferred result, and that is put into the local ID variable via the inline callback.
So, what does setNameValue look like? I thought you'd never ask.
def setNameValue(self, name, value):
Get the unique ID for this value in the named table, adding a new
entry for it there if necessary.
table = getattr(self, name)
if not self.s("s_{}".format(name)):
self.s([table.c.id], table.c.value == SA.bindparam('value'))
ID = self.s().execute(value=value).scalar()
if ID is None:
rp = table.insert().execute(value=value)
ID = rp.lastrowid
return ID
Now we get to see a little sAsync magic. Look at that @transact decorator. It makes the method into a transaction, running it via the thread queue and with its own SQLAlchemy begin/commit setup for the database connection. There's a lot going on with that little decorator; take a look at the source for database.py to get some idea of what's under the hood.
Another bit of coolness in setNameValue is the polymorphic method s (of sasync.database.Accessbroker). It lets you compile and save an SQLAlchemy select object and then run it with new parameters whenever you want.
Copyright (C) 2006-2007, 2015 by Edwin A. Suominen
See edsuom.com for API documentation as well as information about Ed's background and other projects, software and otherwise.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.