Unique progress view with rich customisation options! You can set any number of segments, each individual segment can be customised with gradients and there is even a segment animation option!
Make sure you have Maven Central included in your gradle repositories.
allprojects {
repositories {
implementation 'com.bio-matic:segmentedarcview:1.1.3'
app:sav_title="@string/outstanding_credit" // -> custom title text
app:sav_value="150 €" // -> custom value text
app:sav_titleTypefaceSize="20dp" // -> custom title text size
app:sav_valueTypefaceSize="55dp" // -> custom value text size
app:sav_titleFont="@font/tt_norms_pro_bold" // -> custom title font
app:sav_valueFont="@font/tt_norms_pro_medium" // -> custom value font
app:sav_titleTextColor="@android:color/darker_gray" // -> custom title text color
app:sav_valueTextColor="@android:color/black" // -> custom value text color
app:sav_titleVerticalOffset="20dp" // -> offset vertical position of the title
app:sav_valueVerticalOffset="-10dp" // -> offset vertical position of the value
app:sav_startAngle="150" // -> arc start angle in degrees
app:sav_sweepAngle="240" // -> arc sweep angle in degrees
app:sav_segmentSeparationAngle="9" // -> arc separator width in degrees
app:sav_segmentThickness="8dp" // -> individual segment thickness
app:sav_useCustomSweepAngles="true" /> // -> enable variable segment sweep angles (note, segment sweeAngles need be set too!)
Some of the parameters however can be only set programmatically
// if blinking is enabled, then settings can be passed through here
progressView.blinkAnimationSettings = BlinkAnimationSettings(
minAlpha = 0.4F,
maxAlpha = 1F,
duration = 2000L
// you can set any number of segments you like
// ArcSegment has gradientStart, gradientEnd and animation option
progressView.segments = listOf(
ArcSegment(Color.parseColor("#eb3f25"), Color.parseColor("#eb3f25")),
ArcSegment(Color.parseColor("#eb3f25"), Color.parseColor("#eb3f25")),
ArcSegment(Color.parseColor("#e7ddba"), Color.parseColor("#efc956"), animate = true),
ArcSegment(Color.parseColor("#e5e5e5"), Color.parseColor("#d3d3d3"))
// if you want to set custom sweep angles, you need to set useCustomSweepAngles param to true
// via xml or programatically and set angles to each segment you have:
ArcSegment(Color.parseColor("#eb3f25"), Color.parseColor("#eb3f25"), sweepAngle = 30f)