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Releases: ecotaxa/ecotaxa_front


02 Feb 12:04
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Suspicious code fixed.

Similarity order and deprecated categories fix

02 Feb 07:16
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New features

Similarity order

A new option, in project classification page, allows to sort the page using visual similarity with a chosen object, on top of the usual set of criteria (Score, Validation Date, ...). This new option materializes as a target sign, in upper right corner of each object frame, e.g.:

When the target sign is clicked, during the order computation and a bit after, an information sign will be visible, to toggle more explanations, e.g:
There can be several orders added, they are not saved anywhere. Any added order will disappear when moving to another page of the application or reloading current page.

Deprecated Categories fix

A few taxa have been deprecated recently, e.g.:
While it is possible to replace manually these deprecated taxa with their valid equivalent in all objects, a new function is present to do it in batch:
Screenshot 2025-02-02 at 08-09-18 EcoTaxa he618_msn_15
More help is available in the function page.

Bug fixes

  • "How to prepare data" help in Import page was stating some incorrect date formats.
  • For developers: When USER_EMAIL_VERIFICATION was off in back-end configuration, registration page crashed in front-end.

Better separations b/w front & back

23 Feb 08:17
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GPU back-end

03 Nov 06:53
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Move GPU operations to a specialized runner, another Docker image for deployment.

Predicting is a difficult art...

26 Oct 14:55
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...especially when it's about future. Pierre Dac.
This release contains a big simplification of UX around automatic classification of objects, as well as invisible, server-side algorithm improvements.

Keep on [g]rowing

28 Sep 04:11
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Small bugfixes

21 Sep 06:21
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...and hopefully no regression :)


15 Sep 05:07
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Back to the roots (of the taxa tree). Another round of "don't mix UI and data management in same code".

Small bugs also need a fix

15 Jun 13:24
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Small but annoying bugs fixed + move of another object write, from front-end to back-end.

Export cleanup and improvement

10 Jun 05:40
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