I'm working on a Pokedex in C to (eventually) make use of a 2" screen I have. This program uses a CSV file with Pokemon data as well as a folder with resources constructed using gif_downloader.c
and image_downloader.c
and then processes it into a scrollable list of pokemon.
The list interface is navigated with the Up
and Down
arrow keys, which can be selected to view more details of a single pokemon with Enter
, and you can escape sinle pokemon view with Esc
. The Left
and Right
keys switch pages within the single pokemon view.
As is mentioned at the top of pokedex_SDL.c, I built this with
gcc -o pokedex pokedex_SDL.c -lSDL2 -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_image
Which creates a pokedex
executable that can be run from the command line with
Right now, I am only including the pokemon from this file: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/dizzypanda/gen-1-pokemon
Also I found a CC0 font that I enjoy, which is in this repo. If you wanted to build this, you would need to download images and put them in the resources folder, and adjust the code to use those.
The pokedex.c
is what compiles into the CLI_Kanto_Pokedex
which is run with ./CLI_Kanto_Pokedex
and compiled with
gcc -o CLI_Kanto_Pokedex pokedex.c
To do list:
- change font to black
- add white rectangles as text boxes behind text
- add one time animation to single pokemon view
- add consistent animation to the icon of the pokemon in the list view
- add a pokeball icon instead of the pokemon icon when scrolling
- expand to include all gen 3 pokemon
- begin to test hardware interaction