Set of modules wich allows you to build your own monitoring\automation device for garage or greenhouse.
Project on early stage of development and can't be used as-is due to unresolved connection stability issues and Mosquito client implementation bugs. If you find what here might be improved or fixed - please let me know.
Project created to keep my garage warm in Winter conditions and dry after Autumn rains. Initial plan was to allows remotely monitor multiple sensors data and control relays (connected to 2ch heater and ventilation fun, for example). Thankfully to event bases and extendable (modules) structure, amount of controlled relays and monitored sensors is limited only by used board and your needs.
- Remote control\monitor implemented through Blink App or mqtt server (in progress).
- Internet connection implemented by Wi-Fi (ESP8266) or Sim800 module (not stable).
- Automatic relays control based on sensors data is also implemented, but currently not tested and disabled by this reason.
- All options are stored in config file.
- Add more details;
- Add usage examples;
- Add display lights control based on moving sensor;
- Add Modules to control water rellay, used to refill a barrel of water on rain time;
- Add Modules to control water pump, on cellar flooding time :(
- Add some security features.