Simple terraform script for creating GPU VMs in a (private) subnet and a Ngninx load balancer in a (public) subnet.
Create VCN using the wizard created VCN, accept all defaults.
Edited a few exceptions afterward.
Exception 1:
Added a Bastion service with entry point in the public subnet.
In my case this one has private IP:
Exception 2:
Edited Security List for Private Subnet-<your-vcn-name>
Removed rule that allows ssh (port 22) traffic from entire network (
Added rule to accept SSH traffic from Bastion ip ( -- note, this will be different for you!
Exception 3:
Edited Default Security List for <your-vcn-name>
Removed rule that allows ssh (port 22) traffic from all (
Added rule to accept SSH traffic from Bastion ip ( -- note, this will be different for you!
Create your own variable file and include in commandline as suggested below, file name vars_fra.tfvars
Use sample file vars.tfvars.SAMPLE
as a starting point.
terraform plan --out=oci-core-gpu.tfplan --var-file=vars_fra.tfvars
terraform apply ....