TODO: Needs to be rewritten when publishing companion repos.
This is the first version of a terraform recipe that creates an Autonomous inside a private subnet in a VCN.
The recipe assumes a fairly basic network setup. I use a default VCN created by the regular console based wizard.
- Netmask for VCN:
- Netmask for public subnet:
- Netmask for private subnet:
In my reference network I only allow traffic on SSH (port 22), Oracle (1521 and 27071) and MySQL (3306) from a Bastion's private IP that has been created in my public subnet. This means traffic through the Bastion is the only traffic allowed into the private subnet. I addition I allow Oracle database traffic (1521 and 27071) from the two addresses of a private endpoint (aka "Reverse connection source IPs") into the private subnet. This seems to be a prerequisite for making SQLcl in CloudShell work.
Or you can just click the button below.
Provide the name of the session created using oci cli session autenticate
in the variable oci_cli_profile
variable "subnet_ocid" {
description = "ocid of (private) subnet to host ADB"
variable "password_ocid" {
description = "ocid of secret in vault"
variable "priv_endpoint_ocid" {
description = "ocid of private endpoint in \"vcn_ocid\" to be used by new connection"
variable "compartment_ocid" {
description = "ocid of compartment"
The following "default" parameters need to be passed to the oci terraform provider.
variable "region" { default = "eu-frankfurt-1"}
variable "oci_cli_profile" {
description = "name of oci cli profile used for session based auth"
variable "tenancy_ocid" {}
The created Connection resource contains all the information needed to access ADB. The OCID of the datbase is also shared.
Apply complete! Resources: 2 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
adb_db_ocid = "<some-secret-string>"
conn_ocid = "<some-secret-string>"
The created config can be used by the repo ebraekke/oci-powershell-modules
when connecting via sqlcl.
Store config files in sub-dir config/
it is ignored by git.
terraform plan --out=oci-adb-intro.arn.tfplan --var-file=config/vars_arn.tfvars
terraform apply "oci-adb-intro.arn.tfplan"
Perform these operations from the top level folder in repo.
Remember to add Linux to lock file.
terraform providers lock -platform=linux_amd64
Create ZIP archive, add non-tracked file from config dir.
git archive --add-file config\ --format=zip HEAD -o .\config\
$C = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..somehashlikestring"
$config_source = "C:\Users\espenbr\GitHub\oci-adb-intro\config\"
$variables_file = "C:/Users/espenbr/GitHub/oci-adb-intro/config/vars_arn.json"
$disp_name = "Demo of ADB stack"
$desc = "ADB Creation from RM"
oci resource-manager stack create --config-source=$config_source --display-name="$disp_name" --description="$desc" --variables=file://$variables_file -c $C --terraform-version=1.2.x $wait_spec
Pwsh style quoting of strings.
oci resource-manager stack list -c $C --output table --query "data [*].{`"ocid`":`"id`", `"name`":`"display-name`"}"
| name | ocid |
| Demo of ADB stack | |
oci resource-manager job create-plan-job --stack-id $stack_ocid --wait-for-state=SUCCEEDED --wait-interval-seconds=10
Grab the job id from the output of the plan job.
$plan_job_ocid = ""
oci resource-manager job create-apply-job --execution-plan-strategy FROM_PLAN_JOB_ID --stack-id $stack_ocid --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-interval-seconds 10 --execution-plan-job-id $plan_job_ocid
oci resource-manager job create-destroy-job --execution-plan-strategy AUTO_APPROVED --stack-id $stack_ocid --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-interval-seconds 10
oci resource-manager stack update --stack-id $stack_ocid --variables=file://C:/Users/espenbr/GitHub/oci-adb-intro/config/vars_arn.json
oci resource-manager stack delete --stack-id $stack_ocid --wait-for-state DELETED --wait-interval-seconds 10
This is the user that matches the connection object that will be created by this terraform specification.
Also, create connection object for this second user.