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Releases: easystats/parameters

parameters 0.23.0

18 Oct 11:29
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Breaking Changes

  • Argument summary in model_parameters() is now deprecated. Please use
    include_info instead.

  • Changed output style for the included additional information on model formula,
    sigma and R2 when printing model parameters. This information now also includes
    the RMSE.


  • Used more accurate analytic approach to calculate normal distributions for
    the SGPV in equivalence_test() and used in p_significance().

  • Added p_direction() methods for frequentist models. This is a convenient
    way to test the direction of the effect, which formerly was already (and still
    is) possible with pd = TRUE in model_parameters().

  • p_function(), p_significance() and equivalence_test() get a vcov and
    vcov_args argument, so that results can be based on robust standard errors
    and confidence intervals.

  • equivalence_test() and p_significance() work with objects returned by

  • pool_parameters() now better deals with models with multiple components
    (e.g. zero-inflation or dispersion).

  • Revision / enhancement of some documentation.

  • Updated glmmTMB methods to work with the latest version of the package.

  • Improved printing for simulate_parameters() for models from packages mclogit.

  • print() for compare_parameters() now also puts factor levels into square
    brackets, like the print() method for model_parameters().

  • include_reference now only adds the reference category of factors to the
    parameters table when those factors have appropriate contrasts (treatment or
    SAS contrasts).

Bug fixes

  • Arguments like digits etc. were ignored in `model_parameters() for objects
    from the marginaleffects package.

parameter 0.22.2

04 Sep 05:25
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New supported models

  • Support for models glm_weightit, multinom_weightit and ordinal_weightit
    from package WeightIt.


  • Added p_significance() methods for frequentist models.

  • Methods for degrees_of_freedom() have been removed. degrees_of_freedom()
    now calls insight::get_df().

  • model_parameters() for data frames and draws objects from package
    posterior also gets an exponentiate argument.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with warning for spuriously high coefficients for Stan-models

parameters 0.22.1

21 Jul 12:06
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Breaking changes

  • Revised calculation of the second generation p-value (SGPV) in equivalence_test(),
    which should now be more accurate related to the proportion of the interval
    that falls inside the ROPE. Formerly, the confidence interval was simply treated
    as uniformly distributed when calculating the SGPV, now the interval is assumed
    to be normally distributed.

New supported models

  • Support for svy2lme models from package svylme.


  • standardize_parameters() now also prettifies labels of factors.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with equivalence_test() when ROPE range was not symmetrically
    centered around zero (e.g., range = c(-99, 0.1)).

  • model_parameters() for anova() from mixed models now also includes the
    denominator degrees of freedom in the output (df_error).

  • print(..., pretty_names = "labels") for tobit-models from package AER now
    include value labels, if available.

  • Patch release, to ensure that performance runs with older version of datawizard
    on Mac OS X with R (old-release).

parameters 0.22.0

20 Jun 06:51
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Breaking changes

  • Deprecated arguments in model_parameters() for htest, aov and
    BFBayesFactor objects were removed.

  • Argument effectsize_type is deprecated. Please use es_type now. This change
    was necessary to avoid conflicts with partial matching of argument names (here:

New supported models

  • Support for objects from stats::Box.test().

  • Support for glmgee models from package glmtoolbox.

Bug fix

  • Fixed edge case in predict() for factor_analysis().

  • Fixed wrong ORCID in DESCRIPTION.

parameters 0.21.7

14 May 08:21
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  • Fixed issues related to latest release from marginaleffects.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes issue in compare_parameters() for models from package blme.

  • Fixed conflict in model_parameters() when both include_reference = TRUE and
    pretty_names = "labels" were used. Now, pretty labels are correctly updated
    and preserved.

parameters 0.21.6

18 Mar 09:26
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New supported models

  • Support for models of class serp (serp).


  • include_reference can now directly be set to TRUE in model_parameters()
    and doesn't require a call to print() anymore.

  • compare_parameters() gains a include_reference argument, to add the
    reference category of categorical predictors to the parameters table.

  • print_md() for compare_parameters() now by default uses the tinytable
    package to create markdown tables. This allows better control for column
    heading spanning over multiple columns.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with parameter names for model_parameters() and objects from
    package epiR.

  • Fixed issue with exponentiate = TRUE for model_parameters() with models
    of class clmm (package ordinal), when model had no component column
    (e.g., no scale or location parameters were returned).

  • include_reference now also works when factor were created "on-the-fly" inside
    the model formula (i.e. y ~ as.factor(x)).

parameters 0.21.5

07 Feb 15:04
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Bug fixes

  • Fixes CRAN check errors related to the changes in the latest update of

parameters 0.21.4

05 Feb 19:47
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Breaking changes

  • The exponentiate argument of model_parameters() for
    marginaleffects::predictions() now defaults to FALSE, in line with all
    the other model_parameters() methods.


  • model_parameters() for models of package survey now gives informative
    messages when bootstrap = TRUE (which is currently not supported).

  • n_factors() now also returns the explained variance for the number of
    factors as attributes.

  • model_parameters() for objects of package metafor now warns when unsupported
    arguments (like vcov) are used.

  • Improved documentation for pool_parameters().

Bug fixes

  • print(include_reference = TRUE) for model_parameters() did not work when
    run inside a pipe-chain.

  • Fixed issues with format() for objects returned by compare_parameters()
    that included mixed models.

parameters 0.21.3

02 Nov 15:02
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  • principal_components() and factor_analysis() now also work when argument
    n = 1.

  • print_md() for compare_parameters() now gains more arguments, similar to
    the print() method.

  • bootstrap_parameters() and model_parameters() now accept bootstrapped
    samples returned by bootstrap_model().

  • The print() method for model_parameters() now also yields a warning for
    models with logit-links when possible issues with (quasi) complete separation

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in print_html() for objects from package ggeffects.

  • Fixed issues for nnet::multinom() with wide-format response variables (using

  • Minor fixes for print_html() method for model_parameters().

  • Robust standard errors (argument vcov) now works for plm models.

parameters 0.21.2

16 Sep 14:30
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  • Minor improvements to factor analysis functions.

  • The ci_digits argument of the print() method for model_parameters() now
    defaults to the same value of digits.

  • model_parameters() for objects from package marginaleffects now also
    accepts the exponentiate argument.

  • The print(), print_html(), print_md() and format() methods for
    model_parameters() get an include_reference argument, to add the reference
    category of categorical predictors to the parameters table.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with wrong calculation of test-statistic and p-values in
    model_parameters() for fixest models.

  • Fixed issue with wrong column header for glm models with
    family = binomial("identiy").

  • Minor fixes for dominance_analysis().