El proyecto So_Long consiste en la creación un programa en C que sea capaz de cargar mapas aleatorios de un archivo y permita al jugador moverse por el mapa. El objetivo principal es familiarizarte con la manipulación de archivos, el manejo de memoria y la programación en C.
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── include/
│ └── solong.h
├── libft/
├── maps/
│ ├── errors/
│ │ ├── map_barriertest.ber
│ │ ├── map_counttest.ber
│ │ ├── map_pathtest.ber
│ │ └── map_shapetest.ber
│ ├── map1.ber
│ ├── map2.ber
│ └── map_medium.ber
├── mlx/
├── objs/
├── sprites/
│ ├── coin.png
│ ├── coin.xpm
│ ├── door.png
│ ├── door.xpm
│ ├── floor.png
│ ├── floor.xpm
│ ├── isaac.png
│ ├── isaac.xpm
│ ├── wall.png
│ └── wall.xpm
└── src/
├── check_walls.c
├── ingame.c
├── main.c
├── mapcheck.c
├── mapcreation.c
├── pathcheck.c
├── playermovement.c
└── windowconfig.c
- Take the map and create a vector of it
- Check the map shape
- Check if it's a good map
- Check if there is at least one path
- Check if the player is not trapped
- Choose a theme
- Search the images and convert them to xpm with the right size
- Take each xpm file and convert them to images that mlx can show on a window
- Create the game window
- Establish the right configuration for the window
- Show images in the game window
- Implement key_hook cases for player movement and closing the window
- Implement logic for player movement within the map
- Allow the player to collect objects placed on the map
- Keep track of the number of collected objects
- Keep track of the number of movements
- Ensure proper memory deallocation
- Check that everyting passes norminette
- Create the Makefile and make sure it doesnt relink