A (tiny) library to evaluate TREC-like runs by using TREC-like qrels. Implements Kendall's tau similarity of rankings, t-test between runs etcetera. Moreover, it is capable to output metrics for evaluating classification and clustering algorithms. For the moment the implemented metrics are the following (partitioned by task):
- Document Retrival: Average Precision (AP), Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG), Precision, Recall, Precision@k.
- Classification: precision, recall, precision (multi-topic), recall (multi-topic), accuracy (multi-topic), exact match ratio, retrieval f-score.
- Clustering: purity, nmi, randin index, f-score.
- Use the class TrecRun to load a TREC-run from a file
run = pytrec_eval.TrecRun(<fileName>)
- you can also use loadAll to load all TREC-runs contained in a list of file names.
runs = pytrec_eval.loadAll(['run1', 'run2', 'run3'])
- use the class QRels to load the qrels from a file
qrels = pytrec_eval.QRels(<fileName>)
- Use evaluate (resp., evaluateAll) to evaluate a run (resp., list of runs)
pytrec_eval.evaluate(run, qrels, metrics)
where metrics
is a list of functions computing some metrics, for example,
[pytrec_eval.avgPrec, pytrec_eval.ndcg]
- It is possible to compute the ranking of a list of runs by using pytrec_eval.rankRuns as follows:
ranking = pytrec_eval(<list of TrecRuns>, qrels, measure)
where measure
is a function that computes some metrics.
A ranking is a list of pairs (TrecRun, score)
ordered by decreasing score.
pytrec_eval can also creates plots:
- The function
plots an histogram highlighting the performance of a run for each topic. It is possible to save the plot into a file by using the optional parameteroutputFile
pytrec_eval.plotDifferenceFromAvg(trecRun, qrels, pytrec_eval.ndcg, outputFile='./ndcg.pdf', showPlot=True)
- The function
plots the recall/precision curve of a given run. It is also possible to have multiple recall/precision curves, one for each topic, by settingperQuery = True
pytrec_eval.plotRecallPrecision(trecRun, qrels, perQuery=True, outputFile='./recall-precision.pdf', showPlot=False)
- The function
plots the recall/precision curves of all runs contained in the input list of runs.
pytrec_eval.plotRecallPrecisionAll([run0, run1, run2], qrels, outputFile='./recall-precision-all.pdf', showPlot=False)
- pytrec_eval features a function that computes the Student's t-test between a run and a list of other runs, for example,
pValues = pytrec_eval.ttest(run0, [run1, run2], qrels, pytrec_eval.ndcg)
returns a dictionary mapping the name of run1
to the p-value obtained by comparing the NDCG score of run1
to the NDCG score of run0
, and the name of run2
to the p-value obtained by comparing the NDCG score of run2
to the NDCG score of run0
- Given two rankings it is possible to compute the Kendall's tau correlation between them as follows:
tau = pytrec_eval.rankSimilarity(ranking0, ranking1)
where ranking0
and ranking1
are lists of pairs (TrecRun, score)
ordered by decreasing score.
For more functions/details, please check the documentation strings in the Python source code.
- Python 3.3
- scipy (http://www.scipy.org/)
- numpy (http://www.numpy.org/)
- pygal (http://pygal.org/)