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Useful ease-of-use python helpers to interact with AWS resources.


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e2fyi-utils is an e2fyi namespaced python package with utils subpackage (i.e. e2fyi.utils) which holds a collections of useful helper classes and functions to interact with various cloud resources.

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# install the default packages only (e.g. no pandas)
pip install e2fyi-utils[all]

# install all optional packages
pip install e2fyi-utils[all]

# install specific optional packages
pip install e2fyi-utils[pandas]

Available optional packages:

  • pandas


S3Stream represents the data stream of a S3 resource, and provides static methods to convert any python objects into a stream. This is generally used with S3Resource to upload or download resource from S3 buckets.


  • str, float, int, and bool will be saved as txt files with mime type "text/plain".
  • pydantic models, dict or list will be saved as json files with mime type "application/json" (fallback to pickle if unable to serialize into json string).
  • pandas dataframe or series can be saved as either a csv ("application/csv") or json format ("application/json").
  • path to files will be read with open and mime type will be inferred (fallback to "application/octet-stream").
  • all other python objects will be pickled with joblib.
import io

import pandas as pd

from import S3Stream
from pydantic import BaseModel

# create a s3 stream
stream = S3Stream(io.StringIO("random text"), "text/plain")
print(        # prints "random text"
print(stream.content_type)  # prints "text/plain"

# string
stream = S3Stream.from_any("hello world")
print(        # prints "hello world"
print(stream.content_type)  # prints "text/plain"

# dict
stream = S3Stream.from_any({"foo": "bar"})
print(        # prints "{"foo": "bar"}"
print(stream.content_type)  # prints "application/json"

# pandas dataframe as csv
df = pd.DataFrame([{"key": "a", "value": 1}, {"key": "b", "value": 2}])
stream = S3Stream.from_any(df, index=False)  # do not include index column
print(        # prints string as csv format for the dataframe
print(stream.content_type)  # prints "application/csv"

# pandas dataframe as json
stream = S3Stream.from_any(df, orient="records")  # orient dataframe as records
print(        # prints string as json list for the dataframe
print(stream.content_type)  # prints "application/json"

# pydantic model
class Person(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int
stream = S3Stream.from_any(Person(name="william", age=21))
print(        # prints "{"name": "william", "age": 21}"
print(stream.content_type)  # prints "application/json"

# any other python objects
class Pet:
    name: str
    age: int
stream = S3Stream.from_any(Pet(name="kopi", age=1))
print(        # prints some binary bytes
print(stream.content_type)  # prints "application/octet-stream"


S3Resource represents a resource in S3 currently or a local resource that will be uploaded to S3. S3Resource constructor will automatically attempts to convert any inputs into a S3Stream, but for more granular control S3Stream.from_any should be used instead to create the S3Stream.

S3Resource is a readable stream - i.e. it has read, seek, and close.


See for additional keyword arguments that can be passed to S3Resource.

Example: Creating S3Resource from local python object or file.

import boto3

from import S3Resource, S3Stream

# create custom s3 client
s3client = boto3.client(

# creates a local copy of s3 resource with S3Stream from a local file
obj = S3Resource(
    # full path shld be "prefix/some_file.json"
    # bucket to download from or upload to
    # or "s3n://" or "s3://"
    # uses default client if not provided
    # attempts to convert to S3Stream if input is not a S3Stream
    # addition kwarg to pass to `s3.upload_fileobj` or `s3.download_fileobj` methods
    Metadata={"label": "foo"}
print(obj.key)  # prints "prefix/some_file.json"
print(obj.uri)  # prints "s3a://some_bucket/prefix/some_file.json"

# will attempt to fix prefix and filename if incorrect filename is provided
obj = S3Resource(
print(obj.filename)     # prints "some_file.json"
print(obj.prefix)       # prints "prefix/subfolder/"

Example: Upload S3Resource to S3

# creates a local copy of s3 resource with some python object
obj = S3Resource(
    stream={"some": "dict"},

# upload obj to s3 bucket "some_bucket" with the key "prefix/some_file.json"
# with the json string content.

# upload to s3 bucket "another_bucket" instead with a metadata tag."another_bucket", MetaData={"label": "foo"})

Example: Read S3Resource from S3

from pydantic import BaseModel

# do not provide a stream input to the S3Resource constructor
obj = S3Resource(

# read the resource like a normal file object from S3
data =
print(type(data))       # prints <class 'str'>

# read and load json string into a dict or list
# for content_type == "application/json" only
data_obj = obj.load()
print(type(data_obj))   # prints <class 'dict'> or <class 'list'>

# read and convert into a pydantic model
class Person(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int

# automatically unpack the dict
data_obj = obj.load(lambda name, age: Person(name=name, age=age))
# alternatively, do not unpack
data_obj = obj.load(lambda data: Person(**data), unpack=False)
print(type(data_obj))   # prints <class 'Person'>


S3Bucket is an abstraction of the actual S3 bucket with methods to interact with the actual S3 bucket (e.g. list objects inside the bucket), and some utility methods.

Prefix rules can also be set during the creation of the S3Bucket object - i.e. enforce a particular prefix rules for a particular bucket.


from import S3Bucket

# prints key for all resources with prefix "some_folder/"
for resource in S3Bucket("some_bucket").list("some_folder/"):

# prints key for the first 2,000 resources with prefix "some_folder/"
for resource in S3Bucket("some_bucket").list("some_folder/", max_objects=2000):

# creates a s3 bucket with prefix rule
prj_bucket = S3Bucket("some_bucket", get_prefix=lambda prefix: "prj-a/%s" % prefix)
for resource in prj_bucket.list("some_folder/"):
    print(resource.key)  # prints "prj-a/some_folder/<resource_name>"
    print(resource.stats)  # prints metadata for the resource (e.g. size, etag)

# get obj key in the bucket
print(prj_bucket.create_resource_key("foo.json"))  # prints "prj-a/foo.json"

# get obj uri in the bucket
# prints "s3a://some_bucket/prj-a/foo.json"
print(prj_bucket.create_resource_uri("foo.json", "s3a://"))

# create S3Resource in bucket to read in
foo = prj_bucket.create_resource("foo.json", "application/json")
# read "s3a://some_bucket/prj-a/foo.json" and load as a dict (or list)
foo_dict = foo.load()

# create S3Resource in bucket and save to "s3a://some_bucket/prj-a/foo.json"
prj_bucket.create_resource("foo.json", obj={"foo": "bar"}).save()


Maybe represents an uncertain object (exception might be raised so no value will be returned). This is generally used inside a function where all exceptions will be caught.


  • Maybe.value is the actual returned value.
  • Maybe.exception is the exception caught (if any).
  • Maybe.with_default method can be used to provide a default value if no value is returned.
  • Maybe.is_ok method can be used to check if any value is returned.
import logging

from e2fyi.utils.core import Maybe

def load_from_file(filepath: str) -> Maybe[string]:
    """loads the content of a file."""
        with open(filepath, "r") as fp:
            return Maybe(
    except IOError as err:
        return Maybe(exception=err)

data = load_from_file("some_file.json")

# print with a default value fallback
print(data.with_default("default value"))

# print data if ok, else log exception
if data.is_ok:


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