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Pipeline for differential expression analysis (DEGs), transcription factor mapping, and TFBS identification.


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deg2tfbs is a pipeline to derive transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) from comparative RNA-seq and proteomic data, focusing on E. coli but extendable to other organisms. The process identifies differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between experimental conditions, maps them to upstream transcription factors (TFs) using RegulonDB or EcoCyc databases, and then retrieves cognate transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) if available.

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Step 1. Clone the repository

git clone
cd deg2tfbs

Step 2. Create the Conda environment

conda env create -f environment.yml

This command will read the environment.yml file and create a Conda environment named deg2tfbs with all the necessary packages installed.

Step 3. Activate the environment

conda activate deg2tfbs

Step 4. Install the Local deg2tfbs Package in Editable Mode

(deg2tfbs) cd deg2tfbs
(deg2tfbs) pip install -e .

This allows Python to recognize deg2tfbs as an installed package while still linking directly to the source files in the repository. Any changes made to the source code will be immediately available without requiring reinstallation.

Directory Layout

├── pyproject.toml
├── environment.yml
└── src/
    └── deg2tfbs/
        ├──                         # CLI entry point
        ├── configs/                        # User-defined configurations
        │   └── example.yaml                # Customize to process different DEGs and retrieve different TFBSs
        └── pipeline/
            ├──                    # Dictionary of paths to datasets (from dnadesign-data)
            ├── degfetcher/                 # Step 1: Isolate DEGs
            │   ├── 
            │   ├── <dataset>     # Each omics dataset has its own respective module
            │   └── degbatch_<date>/        # Batch of DEGs retrieved from degfetcher in a given run
            │       ├── csvs                
            │       └── plots
            ├── tffetcher/                  # Step 2: Map DEGs to TFs
            │   ├──    
            │   ├──            # Coordinates TF retrieval for a given DEG batch
            │   ├── parsers/                
            │   │   ├──
            │   │   ├──
            │   │   ├──     
            │   │   └── ...                 
            │   └── tfbatch_<date>/         
            │       └── deg2tf_mapping.csv  
            └── tfbsfetcher/                # Step 3: Map TFs to TFBSs
                ├──          # Coordinates TFBS retrieval for a given set of TFs
                ├── parsers/                
                │   ├──
                │   ├──
                │   ├──    
                │   └── ...                 
                └── tfbsbatch_<date>/  

Pipeline Steps

  1. degfetcher (Step 1: Isolate DEGs)

    • Loads comparative omics datasets from the dnadesign-dna repository.

    • Produces tidy CSV outputs, such as ceroni_upregulated_degs.csv, containing columns:

      • gene: DEG identifier.
      • source: The source dataset (e.g., "ceroni").
      • thresholds: Optional column specifying user-defined DEG thresholds from the config file.
      • comparison: The experimental context defining the target vs. reference condition.

      For example:

      gene source thresholds comparison
      groS ceroni 2.5 pLys-M1_versus_pLys
      gadY ceroni 2.5 pLys-M1_versus_pLys
      azuC ceroni 2.5 pLys-M1_versus_pLys
      yadL ceroni 2.5 pPD864-LacZ_versus_pPD864
      rclC ceroni 2.5 pPD864-LacZ_versus_pPD864
      rclR ceroni 2.5 pPD864-LacZ_versus_pPD864
  2. tffetcher (Step 2: Map DEGs to TFs)

    • Reads CSV outputs, saved in batches, from degfetcher.

    • Loads regulatory network-type datasets curated from a resource (e.g., from RegulonDB or EcoCyc).

    • Fetches TFs that reportedly regulate these DEGs (the “regulatees”).

    • Produces a tidy CSV output, deg2tf_mapping, containing columns:

      • gene - DEG identifier.
      • regulator: TFs reported to regulated target gene.
      • polarity: Reported "type" of regulation applied to gene, if available.
      • source: Record of which regulatory network dataset(s) were used.
      • is_global_regulator: Boolean indicating whether the regulator is classified as a global regulator by EcoCyc.
      • is_sigma_factor: Boolean indicating whether the regulator is classified as a sigma factor by EcoCyc.
      • deg_source: Indicates the source dataset(s) in which this gene appears, as processed by degfetcher.

      For example:

      gene regulator polarity source is_global_regulator is_sigma_factor DEG Source
      aaea crp + ecocyc_28_AND_regdb_13 yes no houser_up
      aaea aaer + ecocyc_28 no no houser_up
      aaeb crp + ecocyc_28_AND_regdb_13 yes no houser_up
      abga nac - ecocyc_28_AND_regdb_13 yes no ceroni_up
      acca accd - ecocyc_28 no no houser_down
      acca rpod + ecocyc_28 no yes houser_down
      adia adiy + ecocyc_28_AND_regdb_13 no no houser_up-lu_up
  3. tfbsfetcher (Step 3: Map TFs to TFBSs)

    • Reads CSV outputs, saved in batches, from tffetcher.

    • Loads TFBS-type data curated from a resource (e.g. RegulonDB .txt or .csv).

    • For each TF identified in step 2, fetch the corresponding binding site(s).

    • Saves a final CSV output, tf2tfbs_mapping, containing:

      Column Description
      tf The transcription factor name (lowercase)
      tfbs The TF binding site sequence (normalized to uppercase letters)
      gene The DEG (or gene) associated with this TF mapping
      deg_source A hyphen-delimited string indicating the source DEG datasets. For example, houser_down-schmidt_down-durfee_down-bie_up shows that multiple DEG datasets contributed to this mapping.
      polarity The regulatory polarity (e.g., "-" for repression, "+" for activation)
      tfbs_source A string indicating which TFBS resource(s) supplied the binding site (e.g., "regdb" or "ecocyc")
      is_sigma_factor Boolean flag (e.g., "no") indicating whether the TF is a sigma factor
      is_global_regulator Boolean flag (e.g., "no") indicating whether the TF is a global regulator

    Caution: In, there is a final TFBS deduplication check that is stringent and does not account for cases where binding sites differ by ±1 nucleotide at either end.

Custom DEG CSV Grouping

In addition to a default “process all available DEGs” approach, you can specify custom combinations of DEG CSVs using the deg_csv_groups key within the tffetcher configuration. This functionality lets you define exactly which subset(s) of DEG CSVs to process downstream. There are three ways to define a group:

  • Global:
    An empty group (e.g. all: {}) processes all DEG CSV files in a degbatch subdirectory.

  • Filter-Based:
    Define a filter pattern (e.g. all_up: { filter: "up" }) to select only those CSVs whose filenames contain the specified substring.

  • Explicit Combination:
    Specify an explicit list of files. For example:

          - { file: "kim_upregulated_degs.csv", comparison: "42C_versus_control" }
          - { file: "zhang_upregulated_degs.csv", comparison: "sigma32-I54N_expression_versus_control" }

Running the Pipeline

  1. Clone the dnadesign-data repository to access a curated set of comparative omics datasets. Placing it as a sibling directory to deg2tfbs enables degfetcher to generate custom DEG tables from these sources.

  2. Update configs/mycustomparams.yaml with the desired I/O paths, batch IDs, and custom DEG CSV groups. For instance:

    # deg2tfbs/configs/example.yaml
         name: "default"
                 root_dir: "pipeline/degfetcher"
                 batch_id: "degbatch_20250130"
                     - ceroni
                     - mori
                 root_dir: "pipeline/tffetcher"
                 batch_id: "tfbatch_20250130"
                     deg_batch_id: "degbatch_20250130"
                     deg_csv_subdir: "csvs"
                     # Define custom groups:
                         all: {}  # Process all CSVs
                             filter: "up"  # Process all CSVs with "up" in the name
                             - { file: "kim_upregulated_degs.csv", comparison: "42C_versus_control" }
                             - { file: "zhang_upregulated_degs.csv", comparison: "s32-I54N_vs_control" }
                             path: "ecocyc_28_reg_network"
                             enabled: true
                             parser: "ecocyc_network_v28-5"
                     network_strategy: "union"
                     include_master_regulators: true
                     include_sigma_factors: true
                 root_dir: "pipeline/tfbsfetcher"
                 batch_id: "tfbsbatch_20250130"
                     tf_batch_id: "tfbatch_20250130"  # This pointer is updated per group
                         path: "ecocyc_28_tfbs_smart_table"
                         ecocyc_motifs: true
                         path: "regulondb_13_tf_ri_set"
                         regulondb_pssm: false
  3. After configuring your mycustomparams.yaml, run the pipeline as follows:

    cd deg2tfbs
    python # Make sure that the bottom of this module references your config file.
    • degfetcher processes the datasets and outputs DEG CSVs.
    • tffetcher then processes these CSVs in each custom group (using deg_csv_groups) to produce distinct deg2tf_mapping.csv files.
    • tfbsfetcher uses the appropriate TF mapping to produce a final tf2tfbs_mapping.csv for each group.


The degfetcher, tffetcher, and tfbsfetcher steps are designed to be extendable. You can add your own dataset ingestion modules for degfetcher or develop custom parser modules for tffetcher and tfbsfetcher.

To use your own custom input genes, create a CSV with required columns: 'gene', 'source', 'comparison'. Then place it in a "batch" subdirectory within degfetcher, and point to it in your custom config file. Alternatively, if you added a new gene table in a cloned dnadesign-data repository, update the dictionary in pipeline to ensure datasets can be found via DATA_FILES[...].

When creating a custom parser, make sure it conforms to one of the following interfaces:

  • For tffetcher parsers:
    Implement: Dict[gene, Set[Tuple[TF, polarity]]])

    parse(...) -> Dict[str, Set[Tuple[str, str]]]

    This signature allows to process new regulatory network data the same.

  • For tfbsfetcher parsers:
    Implement: Dict[TF, Set[TFBS_1, TFBS_2, TFBS_3, ...]]

    parse(...) -> Dict[str, Set[str]]

    This signature allows to process new TFBS data the same.

Analysis of Pipeline Results

The analysis folder contains scripts that visualize the results generated by the pipeline. These visualizations help answer the question:

"Does fetching different sets of DEGs lead to different sets of transcription factors?"

Generating TF Rosters

The analysis scripts read the tf2tfbs_mapping.csv files produced by tfbsfetcher. For each of these files—which are derived from a specific set of DEGs—a binary TF roster is generated. Each roster is a vector whose length equals the total number of unique transcription factors identified by the pipeline. An option is provided to remove “intersections” (i.e., to exclude transcription factors that appear in two defined sets) before further analysis. You specify which directories to include by listing them under the comparisons key in your configuration file (e.g., configs/example.yaml):

    - [ "tfbsbatch_20250209_ciprofloxacin_up", "tfbsbatch_20250209_ciprofloxacin_down" ]
    - [ "tfbsbatch_20250209_ampicillin_up", "tfbsbatch_20250209_ampicillin_down" ]
    - ...
  # When true, transcription factors that appear in both comparison groups 
  # (i.e., the intersection) are removed from the roster.
  exclude_intersections: true

Each roster is saved as a tab-delimited file with columns such as:

regulator   group1   group2   intersection   group1_only   group2_only
acrr        1        0        0              1             0
ada         0        1        0              0             1
agar        1        0        0              1             0
aidb        0        1        0              0             1
allr        0        0        0              0             0
alls        0        0        0              0             0
arac        0        0        0              0             0
arca        1        1        1              0             0
argp        0        0        0              0             0


The script in analysis produces several plots that are saved in analysis/plots. One of two possible subdirectories are created based on the exclude_intersections flag in your configuration:

  • all_regs: When intersecting transcription factors are not removed.
  • intersects_removed: When intersecting transcription factors are removed.

A heatmap is generated to provide a global view of all the TF rosters (representing the presence or absence of transcription factors). Each roster is treated as a multidimensional vector and then clustered using the Leiden algorithm. For example:

TF Roster Heatmap (Intersections Removed)

This clustering approach helps to determine whether different sets of DEGs, enriched under distinct environmental conditions, are associated with similar transcription factors. For instance, the TF rosters identified for DEGs downregulated in the presence of kanamycin and ciprofloxacin are similar. In contrast, these rosters are distinct from the transcription factors associated with DEGs upregulated under nutrient limitation.

Beyond viewing all TF rosters together, the value counts of unique TF binding sites for each TF roster (derived from tf2tfbs_mapping.csv files) can also be visualized. For example:

TFBS Counts Plot

Data Source

deg2tfbs is designed to reference data from dnadesign-data. Update the config file to point to the correct data paths.


Pipeline for differential expression analysis (DEGs), transcription factor mapping, and TFBS identification.







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