Additional elements for the SilverStripe Elemental module.
This module is no longer maintained. Please checkout the following alternatives:
- silverstripe/recipe-cms: ^4.0
- dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental: ^4.0
To start a new website with Dynamic's elemental blocks installed:
composer create-project dynamic/silverstripe-elemental-blocks website ^2
Or to include blocks into your existing website:
composer require dynamic/silverstripe-elemental-blocks
Elemental Blocks will add the following Elements to your site:
- Accordion: content in collapsable panels
- Countdown: time left until a set date and time
- Customer Service: map, directions, and contact info for your location
- Embeded Code: embed code like iframes, javascript
- Featured Content: large image, headline, description, link. one per row
- File List: A list of files for download
- Flexslider: Flexslider slideshow
- Gallery: display a collection of images
- Image: single image
- oEmbed: embed content from YouTube, SoundCloud, etc
- Promos: small image, headline, description, link. 3 to 4 per row
- Recent Blog Posts: list of the most recent posts of a specific blog
- Section Navigation: list of child pages or pages in current level
- Sponsors: sponsor logos in a row
- Tab Set: Create a tabbed interface that uses elements
- Testimonials: list of customer testimonials, filter by category