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Node.JS Android Bridge wrapper

A Node.JS module to connect Android devices using ADB. Example:


npm install nodejs-adb-wrapper --save  # use the library


Check and run test.js for complete examples


  • ip - The device IP (mandatory)
  • config: JSON object, contains:
    • path - Path for adb binary (eq: '/usr/bin/' ), default: ''
    • interval - Requests interval in milliseconds, default: 1000
    • timeout - Request timeout in milliseconds, default: 1000
    • playbackDelayOff - Playback delay before it considered there's no media playing, default: 10000
    • retryPowerOn - How many retry before power on request considered failure, default: 10
    • keycodePowerOn - Keycode to power on device, default: 'KEYCODE_POWER'
    • keycodePowerOff - Keycode to power on device, default: 'KEYCODE_POWER'



Async helper for waiting in ms miliseconds


Check if Android device have tail command.

return boolean


Wrapper to run ADB command

parameters Available parameters:

  • params: string - the adb command, eg: dumpsys

return { result, message }

  • result: boolean - return true if the command succeded
  • message: string - contain stdout/stderr output

osShell(params, [id])

Wrapper to run shell command

parameters Available parameters:

  • params: string - the shell command, eg: dumpsys
  • id: string - process id

return { result, message }

  • result: boolean - return true if the command succeded
  • message: string - contain stdout/stderr output