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Releases: duskvirkus/alias-free-gan

Version 1.1.0

31 Aug 04:57
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Bug fixes:

  • Fixed kimg counting when using --accumulate_grad_batches. kimgs was under counting by factor of accumulate_grad_batches. If using v1.0.0 training notebook multiply the kimg count by 4 to get the correct number and use --start_kimg_count when resuming training to override the file name parsing.

Non breaking updates:

  • Refactored download and loading pretrained models. Added code to load pretrained models in all generate scripts.
  • Updated interpolation notebook to include commands to convert frames to .mp4 and .gif
  • Added more examples to readme and fixed a few typos.

Version 1.0.0

25 Aug 02:04
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Release Overview

In theory this version is a stable working version of Alias-Free GAN supporting rosinality's unofficial implementation.

Changes from the Rosinality Repository

  • Converted to run using pytorch lighting - Supports GPU and TPU training with many built in options. For more information see:
  • Added CPU op library for TPU support
  • renamed to and moved to scripts/
  • adapted and put in a script under scripts/

Scripts Added


Creates an Alias-Free GAN instance and trains the model saving checkpoints based on kimgs (thousands of image).

Using Alias-Free GAN version: 1.0.0
usage: [-h] --dataset_path DATASET_PATH [--resume_from RESUME_FROM]
                  --size SIZE [--batch BATCH] [--lr_g LR_G] [--lr_d LR_D]
                  [--r1 R1] [--augment AUGMENT] [--augment_p AUGMENT_P]
                  [--ada_target ADA_TARGET] [--ada_length ADA_LENGTH]
                  [--ada_every ADA_EVERY]
                  [--stylegan2_discriminator STYLEGAN2_DISCRIMINATOR]
                  [--save_sample_every_kimgs SAVE_SAMPLE_EVERY_KIMGS]
                  [--save_checkpoint_every_kimgs SAVE_CHECKPOINT_EVERY_KIMGS]
                  [--start_kimg_count START_KIMG_COUNT]
                  [--stop_training_at_kimgs STOP_TRAINING_AT_KIMGS]
                  [--sample_grid SAMPLE_GRID] [--logger [LOGGER]]
                  [--checkpoint_callback [CHECKPOINT_CALLBACK]]
                  [--default_root_dir DEFAULT_ROOT_DIR]
                  [--gradient_clip_val GRADIENT_CLIP_VAL]
                  [--gradient_clip_algorithm GRADIENT_CLIP_ALGORITHM]
                  [--process_position PROCESS_POSITION]
                  [--num_nodes NUM_NODES] [--num_processes NUM_PROCESSES]
                  [--devices DEVICES] [--gpus GPUS]
                  [--auto_select_gpus [AUTO_SELECT_GPUS]]
                  [--tpu_cores TPU_CORES] [--ipus IPUS]
                  [--log_gpu_memory LOG_GPU_MEMORY]
                  [--progress_bar_refresh_rate PROGRESS_BAR_REFRESH_RATE]
                  [--overfit_batches OVERFIT_BATCHES]
                  [--track_grad_norm TRACK_GRAD_NORM]
                  [--check_val_every_n_epoch CHECK_VAL_EVERY_N_EPOCH]
                  [--fast_dev_run [FAST_DEV_RUN]]
                  [--accumulate_grad_batches ACCUMULATE_GRAD_BATCHES]
                  [--max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS] [--min_epochs MIN_EPOCHS]
                  [--max_steps MAX_STEPS] [--min_steps MIN_STEPS]
                  [--max_time MAX_TIME]
                  [--limit_train_batches LIMIT_TRAIN_BATCHES]
                  [--limit_val_batches LIMIT_VAL_BATCHES]
                  [--limit_test_batches LIMIT_TEST_BATCHES]
                  [--limit_predict_batches LIMIT_PREDICT_BATCHES]
                  [--val_check_interval VAL_CHECK_INTERVAL]
                  [--flush_logs_every_n_steps FLUSH_LOGS_EVERY_N_STEPS]
                  [--log_every_n_steps LOG_EVERY_N_STEPS]
                  [--accelerator ACCELERATOR]
                  [--sync_batchnorm [SYNC_BATCHNORM]] [--precision PRECISION]
                  [--weights_summary WEIGHTS_SUMMARY]
                  [--weights_save_path WEIGHTS_SAVE_PATH]
                  [--num_sanity_val_steps NUM_SANITY_VAL_STEPS]
                  [--truncated_bptt_steps TRUNCATED_BPTT_STEPS]
                  [--resume_from_checkpoint RESUME_FROM_CHECKPOINT]
                  [--profiler PROFILER] [--benchmark [BENCHMARK]]
                  [--deterministic [DETERMINISTIC]]
                  [--reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs RELOAD_DATALOADERS_EVERY_N_EPOCHS]
                  [--reload_dataloaders_every_epoch [RELOAD_DATALOADERS_EVERY_EPOCH]]
                  [--auto_lr_find [AUTO_LR_FIND]]
                  [--replace_sampler_ddp [REPLACE_SAMPLER_DDP]]
                  [--terminate_on_nan [TERMINATE_ON_NAN]]
                  [--auto_scale_batch_size [AUTO_SCALE_BATCH_SIZE]]
                  [--prepare_data_per_node [PREPARE_DATA_PER_NODE]]
                  [--plugins PLUGINS] [--amp_backend AMP_BACKEND]
                  [--amp_level AMP_LEVEL]
                  [--distributed_backend DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND]
                  [--move_metrics_to_cpu [MOVE_METRICS_TO_CPU]]
                  [--multiple_trainloader_mode MULTIPLE_TRAINLOADER_MODE]
                  [--stochastic_weight_avg [STOCHASTIC_WEIGHT_AVG]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Trainer Script:
  --dataset_path DATASET_PATH
                        Path to dataset. Required!
  --resume_from RESUME_FROM
                        Resume from checkpoint or transfer learn off
                        pretrained model. Leave blank to train from scratch.

AliasFreeGAN Model:
  --size SIZE           Pixel dimension of model. Must be 256, 512, or 1024.
  --batch BATCH         Batch size. Will be overridden if
                        --auto_scale_batch_size is used. (default: 16)
  --lr_g LR_G           Generator learning rate. (default: 0.002)
  --lr_d LR_D           Discriminator learning rate. (default: 0.002)
  --r1 R1               R1 regularization weights. (default: 10.0)
  --augment AUGMENT     Use augmentations. (default: False)
  --augment_p AUGMENT_P
                        Augment probability, the probability that augmentation
                        is applied. 0.0 is 0 percent and 1.0 is 100. If set to
                        0.0 and augment is enabled AdaptiveAugmentation will
                        be used. (default: 0.0)
  --ada_target ADA_TARGET
                        Target for AdaptiveAugmentation. (default: 0.6)
  --ada_length ADA_LENGTH
                        (default: 500000)
  --ada_every ADA_EVERY
                        How often to update augmentation probabilities when
                        using AdaptiveAugmentation. (default: 8)
  --stylegan2_discriminator STYLEGAN2_DISCRIMINATOR
                        Provide path to a rosinality stylegan2 checkpoint to
                        load the discriminator from it. Will load second so if
                        you load another model first it will override that

kimg Saver Callback:
  --save_sample_every_kimgs SAVE_SAMPLE_EVERY_KIMGS
                        Sets the frequency of saving samples in kimgs
                        (thousands of image). (default: 1)
  --save_checkpoint_every_kimgs SAVE_CHECKPOINT_EVERY_KIMGS
                        Sets the frequency of saving model checkpoints in
                        kimgs (thousands of image). (default: 4)
  --start_kimg_count START_KIMG_COUNT
                        Manually override the start count for kimgs. If not
                        set the count will be inferred from checkpoint name.
                        If count can not be inferred it will default to 0.
  --stop_training_at_kimgs STOP_TRAINING_AT_KIMGS
                        Automatically stop training at this number of kimgs.
                        (default: 12800)
  --sample_grid SAMPLE_GRID
                        Sample grid to use for samples. Saved under
                        assets/sample_grids. (default:

  --logger [LOGGER]     Logger (or iterable collection of loggers) for
                        experiment tracking. A ``True`` value uses the default
                        ``TensorBoardLogger``. ``False`` will disable logging.
                        If multiple loggers are provided and the `save_dir`
                        property of that logger is not set, local files
                        (checkpoints, profiler traces, etc.) are saved in
                        ``default_root_dir`` rather than in the ``log_dir`` of
                        any of the individual loggers.
  --checkpoint_callback [CHECKPOINT_CALLBACK]
                        If ``True``, enable checkpointing. It will configure a
                        default ModelCheckpoint callback if there is no user-
                        defined ModelCheckpoint in :paramref:`~pytorch_lightni
  --default_root_dir DEFAULT_ROOT_DIR
                        Default path for logs and weights when no
                        logger/ckpt_callback passed. Default: ``os.getcwd()``.
                        Can be remote file paths such as `s3://mybucket/path`
                        or 'hdfs://path/'
  --gradient_clip_val GRADIENT_CLIP_VAL
                        0 means don't clip.
  --gradient_clip_algorithm GRADIENT_CLIP_ALGORITHM
                        'value' means clip_by_value, 'norm' means
                        clip_by_norm. Default: 'norm'
  --process_position PROCESS_POSITION
                        orders the progress bar when running multiple models
                        on same machine.
  --num_nodes NUM_NODES
                        number of GPU nodes for distributed training.
  --num_processes NUM_PROCESSES
                        number of processes for distributed training with
  --devices DEVICES     Will be mapped to either `gpus`, `tpu_cores`,
                        `num_processes` or `ipus`, based on the accelerator
  --gpus GPUS           number of gpus to train on (int) or which GPUs to
                        train on (list or str) applied per node
  --auto_select_gpus [AUTO_SELECT_GPUS]
                        If enabled and `gpus` is an integer, pick available
                        gpus automatically. This is especially useful when
                        GPUs are configu...
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