Tool for smart contracts' deployment to Dusk blockchain.
Minimal set of arguments, long argument names:
cargo r -- --contract-path ./test/alice.wasm --seed "spice property autumn primary undo innocent pole legend stereo mom eternal topic"
Minimal set of arguments, short argument names:
cargo r -- -c ./test/alice.wasm -s "spice property autumn primary undo innocent pole legend stereo mom eternal topic"
Full set of arguments:
cargo r -- --contract-path=./test/bob.wasm --seed="spice property autumn primary undo innocent pole legend stereo mom eternal topic" --config-path=./config.toml --gas-limit=100000000 --gas-price=1 --owner="2e3f56b01f7a43c274714a6d22b93164d561f1247a8cfa7a79eede21420438aa" --nonce=0 --args="3e"
Moonlight example:
cargo r -- -c ./test/alice.wasm -m "A7gMWt6U6NdMXafvqoMVACdH5hMXubyUhp4MGorNBUv4"
-c, --contract-path Path to contract bytecode file (.wasm) to be deployed
-s, --seed Seed mneumonic phrase, a string of 12 words encoding your secret and public keys
, --config-path Path to config file containing data needed to establish blockchain connection
, --gas-limit Maximum number of gas points allowed to be used when executing the deployment transaction,
if omitted, a 500_000_000 default will be used
--gas-price Gas price to be used when executing the deployment transaction,
if omitted, price value 1 will be used
-o, --owner Hexadecimal string representing the owner of the contract
-n, --nonce Number used when calculating contract is, used when there is a need to deploy
multiple contracts with the same bytecode and owner, and/or to obtain
a vanity contract did,
if omittted, 0 will be used
-a, --args Optional argument passed to contract's constructor. Contract may have a constructor
method named 'init' which will be executed automatically upon deployment and may accept
arguments. Argument must be passed in a form of a hexadecimal string representing an
rkyv serialization of the argument proper. Multiple arguments are serialized as a tuple.
If omitted, no argument will be passed to the constructor. If contract does not have a
constructor, this argument may be omitted.
-b, --block_height Optional starting block height. Scanning the blockchain for notes will start from
this value. If omitted, scanning will be performed from block height zero. Note that
it may take a long time to scan the entire blockchain, so in order to limit the waiting
time, user can enter a height from which the scan is to be started. The user needs to
know, at least approximately, above which height her unspent notes are located.
-r, --relative_height Optional relative starting block height. Scanning the blockchain for notes will start
from current height minus this value. If omitted or current block height cannot be
obtained, absolute starting block height is assumed. This option, if present, overrides
the absolute block height.
-m, --moonlight Optional moonlight secret key. If provided, deployment will use funds from a Moonlight
account. If the option is missing or a given key is empty, Phoenix account will be used.
Secret key needs to be provided as a base 58 string, e.g.:
A7gMWt6U6NdMXafvqoMVACdH5hMXubyUhp4MGorNBUv4. Note that block-height options (-b, -r) are
ignored when Moonlight funding is used.
Example configuration file for blockchain connection:
rusk_address = ""
prover_address = ""