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Ruby client for communicating with DuraCloud


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'duracloud-client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install duracloud-client


Configure the client

Option 1. Environment variables


Option 2. Manual configuration

Changed in v0.10.0 Set attributes on Duracloud module instead of using Duracloud::Client.configure {|config| ...} block. = ""
Duracloud.user = "[email protected]"
Duracloud.password = "s3cret"


By default duracloud-client logs to STDERR. Use the logger config setting to change:

Duracloud.logger = Rails.logger

You can also silence logging:

Duracloud.silence_logging! # sets logger device to null device

List Storage Providers

>> stores = Duracloud::Store.all
 => [#<Duracloud::Store:0x007faa592e9068 @owner_id="0", @primary="0", @id="1", @provider_type="AMAZON_GLACIER">, #<Duracloud::Store:0x007faa592dbd78 @owner_id="0", @primary="1", @id="2", @provider_type="AMAZON_S3">]

>> stores.first.primary?
 => false

>> Duracloud::Store.primary
 => #<Duracloud::Store:0x007faa592dbd78 @owner_id="0", @primary="1", @id="2", @provider_type="AMAZON_S3">


Create a new space

>> space = Duracloud::Space.create("rest-api-testing2")
D, [2016-04-29T12:12:32.641574 #28275] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request PUT 201 Created
 => #<Duracloud::Space space_id="rest-api-testing2", store_id="(default)"> 

A Duracloud::BadRequestError exception is raised if the space ID is invalid (illegal characters, too long, etc.).

Retrieve a space and view its properties

>> space = Duracloud::Space.find("rest-api-testing")
D, [2016-04-29T12:15:12.593075 #28275] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request HEAD 200 OK
 => #<Duracloud::Space space_id="rest-api-testing", store_id="(default)">
>> space.count
 => 8

>> space.created
 => #<DateTime: 2016-04-05T17:59:11+00:00 ((2457484j,64751s,0n),+0s,2299161j)> 

A Duracloud::NotFoundError exception is raised if the space does not exist.

Note: When the object count in a space exceeds 1000, Duracloud returns 1000+ as the count. Ruby's integer coercion to_i turns that string into the integer 1000. Getting an exact count above 1000 requires (on the client side) enumerating the content_ids (below, fixed in v0.7.2 when count is >= 1000) which can take a long time for a space with a lot of content items (a maxiumum of 1000 ids can be retrived at one time). If an up-to-the-minute count is not required, the storage report for the space shows an exact count on a daily basis.

Enumerate the content IDs of the space

>> space.content_ids.each { |id| puts id }
 => nil

>> space.content_ids.to_a
 => ["ark:/99999/fk4zzzz", "foo", "foo2", "foo22", "foo3", "foo5", "foo7", "foo8"] 

Sync Validation

New in version 0.6.0

Sync validation is the process of comparing the files in a local content directory with content in a DuraCloud space in order to confirm that all local content has been successfully sync. This functionality is NOT part of the DuraCloud REST API and is provided AS IS (per the license terms).


  • The external program md5deep is installed and available on the user's path. See for md5deep documentation and download packages.
  • The content IDs in the target DuraCloud space match the relative paths of files in the source content directory -- i.e., no support for "prefixes" (this may change in the future).


  • The space manifest is downloaded from DuraCloud and converted to the expected input format for md5deep (two columns: md5 hash and file path, separated by two spaces).
  • md5deep is run against the content directory in "non-matching" mode (-X) with the converted manifest as the list of "known hashes".
  • Non-matching files from the md5deep run are re-checked individually by calling Duracloud::Content.exist?. This pass will account for content sync after md5deep started as well as files that have been chunked in DuraCloud. Results of this re-check are printed to STDOUT (or, if using the :work_dir option, below, to a file). 'foo', content_dir: '/var/foo/bar')

Added in version 0.9.0 - :work_dir option to specify existing directory in which to write validation files. The default behavior is to create a temporary directory which is deleted on completion of the process. If :work_dir is specified, no cleanup is performed.

Files created in work directory:

{SPACE_ID}-manifest.tsv   DuraCloud manifest as downloaded
{SPACE_ID}-md5.txt        Munged manifest for md5deep
{SPACE_ID}-audit.txt      Output of md5deep, empty if all files match
{SPACE_ID}-recheck.txt    Output of audit recheck, if necessary

Added in version 0.9.0 - Duracloud::FastSyncValidation. This variant of sync validation does not compute local hashes but instead compares the local file list (generated with find) to the list of content IDs in the space manifest. Local misses are rechecked as in SyncValidation (but without MD5 comparison).


Create a new content item and store it in DuraCloud

>> new_content = "rest-api-testing", content_id: "ark:/99999/fk4zzzz")
 => #<Duracloud::Content space_id="rest-api-testing", content_id="ark:/99999/fk4zzzz", store_id=(default)>
>> new_content.body = "test"
 => "test"

>> new_content.content_type = "text/plain"
 => "text/plain"
 => #<Duracloud::Content space_id="rest-api-testing", content_id="ark:/99999/fk4zzzz", store_id=(default)>

When storing content a Duracloud::NotFoundError is raised if the space does not exist. A Duracloud::BadRequestError is raised if the content ID is invalid. A Duracloud::ConflictError is raised if the provided MD5 digest does not match the stored digest.

Note: duracloud-client does not currently provide for chunking of large files as, for example, the DuraCloud Sync Tool does.

Retrieve an existing content item from DuraCloud

>> Duracloud::Content.find(space_id: "spaceID", content_id: "contentID")
 => #<Duracloud::Content space_id="spaceID", content_id="contentID", store_id=(default)>

If the space or content ID does not exist, a Duracloud::NotFoundError is raised. If an MD5 digest is provided (:md5 attribute), a Duracloud::MessageDigestError is raised if the content ID exists and the stored digest does not match.

Added in v0.4.0

If a content item is not found at the content ID, Duracloud::Content.find will look for a "content manifest" by appending ".dura-manifest" to the content ID. If the manifest is found, the content item is marked as "chunked". Caution: Working with chunked files should be considered EXPERIMENTAL and unsupported.

Update the properties for a content item

>> space = Duracloud::Space.find("rest-api-testing")
 => #<Duracloud::Space space_id="rest-api-testing", store_id="(default)">

>> content = space.find_content("foo3")
D, [2016-04-29T18:31:16.975749 #32379] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request HEAD 200 OK
 => #<Duracloud::Content space_id="rest-api-testing", content_id="foo3", store_id=(default)>

 => #<Duracloud::ContentProperties x-dura-meta-owner="[email protected]">

>>["x-dura-meta-creator"] = "[email protected]"
D, [2016-04-29T18:31:52.770195 #32379] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request POST 200 OK
I, [2016-04-29T18:31:52.770293 #32379]  INFO -- : Content foo3 updated successfully
 => true

D, [2016-04-29T18:32:06.465928 #32379] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request HEAD 200 OK
 => "[email protected]"

Copy a content item

Added in v0.3.0; Changed in v0.4.0.

Accepts same keywords as .find and .new -- :space_id, :content_id, :store_id -- plus :force.

The :force argument is a boolean (default false) indicating whether to replace existing content (if found) at the target location. If :force is false and content exists at the target location, the operation raises a Duracloud::Content::CopyError exception.

Also, :space_id and :content_id arguments are not required, but default to the values of the current content object's attributes. An exception is raised if the source and destination locations are the same (regardless of the value of :force).

>> content = Duracloud::Content.find(space_id: 'rest-api-testing', content_id: 'contentItem.txt')
D, [2017-01-27T17:16:45.846459 #93283] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request HEAD 200 OK
 => #<Duracloud::Content space_id="rest-api-testing", content_id="contentItem.txt", store_id=(default)> 

>> content.copy(space_id: 'rest-api-testing2')
D, [2017-01-27T17:17:59.848741 #93283] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request PUT 201 Created
 => #<Duracloud::Content space_id="rest-api-testing2", content_id="contentItem.txt", store_id=(default)> 

Move a content item

Added in v0.3.0; Changed in v0.4.0.

See also Copy a content item, above.

This is a convenience operation -- copy and delete -- not directly supported by the DuraCloud REST API.

>> content = Duracloud::Content.find(space_id: 'rest-api-testing', content_id: 'contentItem.txt')
D, [2017-01-27T17:19:41.926994 #93286] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request HEAD 200 OK
 => #<Duracloud::Content space_id="rest-api-testing", content_id="contentItem.txt", store_id=(default)> 

>> content.move(space_id: 'rest-api-testing2')
D, [2017-01-27T17:20:07.542468 #93286] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request PUT 201 Created
D, [2017-01-27T17:20:08.442504 #93286] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request DELETE 200 OK
 => #<Duracloud::Content space_id="rest-api-testing2", content_id="contentItem.txt", store_id=(default)> 

>> content.deleted?
 => true 

Delete a content item

>> space = Duracloud::Space.find("rest-api-testing")
 => #<Duracloud::Space space_id="rest-api-testing", store_id="(default)">

>> content = space.find_content("foo2")
 => #<Duracloud::Content space_id="rest-api-testing", content_id="foo2", store_id=(default)>

>> content.delete
D, [2016-04-29T18:28:31.459962 #32379] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request DELETE 200 OK
I, [2016-04-29T18:28:31.460069 #32379]  INFO -- : Content foo2 deleted successfully
 => #<Duracloud::Content space_id="rest-api-testing", content_id="foo2", store_id=(default)>

>> Duracloud::Content.exist?(space_id: "rest-api-testing", content_id: "foo2")
D, [2016-04-29T18:29:03.935451 #32379] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request HEAD 404 Not Found
 => false

Added in v0.10.0.pre Duracloud::Content.delete class method.


The audit logs, bit integrity reports and manifests are accessible in their original TSV format and in normalized CSV tables.

Audit Log

>> space = Duracloud::Space.find("rest-api-testing")
>> audit_log = space.audit_log
 => #<Duracloud::AuditLog:0x007fd44c077f38 @space_id="rest-api-testing", @store_id=nil, @response=nil>

>> audit_log.csv
D, [2016-05-19T13:36:49.107520 #28754] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request GET 200 OK
 => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:168>


>> space = Duracloud::Space.find("rest-api-testing")
>> manifest = space.manifest
 => #<Duracloud::Manifest:0x007fd44d3c7048 @space_id="rest-api-testing", @store_id=nil, @tsv_response=nil, @bagit_response=nil>

>> manifest.csv
D, [2016-05-19T13:37:39.831013 #28754] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request GET 200 OK
 => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:10>

>> manifest.csv.headers
 => ["space_id", "content_id", "md5"]

Added in v0.5.0 Support for asynchronous generation of manifest (Generate Manifest API)

>> manifest ='ddr-validation')
 => #<Duracloud::Manifest:0x007f8fd82fe328 @space_id="ddr-validation", @store_id=nil>
>> manifest.generate
 D, [2017-06-06T20:49:50.191301 #92029] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request POST 202 Accepted
 I, [2017-06-06T20:49:50.191414 #92029]  INFO -- : We are processing your manifest generation request. To retrieve your file, please poll the URI in the Location header of this response: (
 => ""

Bit Integrity Report

>> space = Duracloud::Space.find("rest-api-testing")
>> bit_integrity_report = space.bit_integrity_report
 => #<Duracloud::BitIntegrityReport:0x007f88e39a2950 @space_id="rest-api-testing", @store_id=nil, @report=nil, @properties=nil>

>> bit_integrity_report.csv
D, [2016-05-19T15:39:33.538448 #29974] DEBUG -- : Duracloud::Request GET 200 OK
 => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:8> 

Command Line Interface

New in version 0.6.0

The bin/ directory of the gem now includes an executable duracloud. Use -h/--help to display usage. If the gem was installed with bundler you may need to run bundle exec bin/duracloud.


We endeavor to follow semantic versioning. In particular, versions < 1.0 may introduce backward-incompatible changes without notice. Use at your own risk. Version 1.0 signals a stable API.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/duracloud-ruby-client/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
