Step 1 : clone source code from here or Uber Ureplicator master branch (
Step 2 : Run:
mvn clean package -DskipTests
Step 3 : Build you own images docker build -t dungnt081191/ureplicator .
Step4 : Write deployment file
Variable use in this image 70ac340-ssl-all:
SRC_ZK_CONNECT: source zookeeper server :2181
SRC_KF_CONNECT: source kafka server :9092
CONSUMER_GROUP_ID: consumer group uReplicator use to consume topic & message
HELIX_CLUSTER_NAME: Helix cluster name - by default uReplicator
AUTO_WHITELIST: "true" : if True - auto replicate topic which have the same topic name in Source & Destination cluster . if False - use topic.mapping file to replicate . Read more in (https://github.com/uber/uReplicator/wiki/uReplicator-User-Guide)
AUTO_OFFSET_RESET: smallest : comsume message from the beginning
PRD_KAFKA_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION: kafka.truststore.jks location of Destination Cluster ( if Destination cluster use SSL verify :9093 )
PRD_KAFKA_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD: password kafka.truststore.jks file
PRD_KAFKA_CLIENT_LOCATION: keystore.jks location of Destination Cluster ( if destination cluster use SSL verify :9093 )
PRD_KAFKA_CLIENT_PASSWORD: password of keystore.jks
CSM_KAFKA_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION: kafka.truststore.jks location of Source Cluster ( if Destination cluster use SSL verify :9093 )
CSM_KAFKA_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD: password kafka.truststore.jks file
CSM_KAFKA_CLIENT_LOCATION: keystore.jks location of Source Cluster ( if destination cluster use SSL verify :9093 )
CSM_KAFKA_CLIENT_PASSWORD: password of keystore.jks
DST_ZK_CONNECT: destination zookeeper server :2181
DST_KF_CONNECT: destination kafka server :9092/9093
MAX_REQUEST_SIZE: "31457280"
PARTITION_MAPPING11: "false" : if false, disable 1:1 partition mapping
FETCH.MESSAGE.BYTES: "8388608" : default = 8,3mb . can increase if meet exception "Found a message larger than the maximum fetch size of this consumer"
Variable use in this image 70ac340-ssl-prd:
SRC_ZK_CONNECT: source zookeeper server :2181
SRC_KF_CONNECT: source kafka server :9092
CONSUMER_GROUP_ID: consumer group uReplicator use to consume topic & message
HELIX_CLUSTER_NAME: Helix cluster name - by default uReplicator
AUTO_WHITELIST: "true" : if True - auto replicate topic which have the same topic name in Source & Destination cluster . if False - use topic.mapping file to replicate . Read more in (https://github.com/uber/uReplicator/wiki/uReplicator-User-Guide)
AUTO_OFFSET_RESET: smallest : comsume message from the beginning
PRD_KAFKA_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION: kafka.truststore.jks location of Destination Cluster ( if Destination cluster use SSL verify :9093 )
PRD_KAFKA_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD: password kafka.truststore.jks file
PRD_KAFKA_CLIENT_LOCATION: keystore.jks location of Destination Cluster ( if destination cluster use SSL verify :9093 )
PRD_KAFKA_CLIENT_PASSWORD: password of keystore.jks
DST_ZK_CONNECT: destination zookeeper server :2181
DST_KF_CONNECT: destination kafka server :9092/9093
MAX_REQUEST_SIZE: "31457280"
PARTITION_MAPPING11: "false" : if false, disable 1:1 partition mapping
FETCH.MESSAGE.BYTES: "8388608" : default = 8,3mb . can increase if meet exception "Found a message larger than the maximum fetch size of this consumer"
Variable use in this image 70ac340-ssl-csm:
SRC_ZK_CONNECT: source zookeeper server :2181
SRC_KF_CONNECT: source kafka server :9092
CONSUMER_GROUP_ID: consumer group uReplicator use to consume topic & message
HELIX_CLUSTER_NAME: Helix cluster name - by default uReplicator
AUTO_WHITELIST: "true" : if True - auto replicate topic which have the same topic name in Source & Destination cluster . if False - use topic.mapping file to replicate . Read more in (https://github.com/uber/uReplicator/wiki/uReplicator-User-Guide)
AUTO_OFFSET_RESET: smallest : comsume message from the beginning
CSM_KAFKA_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION: kafka.truststore.jks location of Source Cluster ( if Destination cluster use SSL verify :9093 )
CSM_KAFKA_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD: password kafka.truststore.jks file
CSM_KAFKA_CLIENT_LOCATION: keystore.jks location of Source Cluster ( if destination cluster use SSL verify :9093 )
CSM_KAFKA_CLIENT_PASSWORD: password of keystore.jks
DST_ZK_CONNECT: destination zookeeper server :2181
DST_KF_CONNECT: destination kafka server :9092/9093
MAX_REQUEST_SIZE: "31457280"
PARTITION_MAPPING11: "false" : if false, disable 1:1 partition mapping
FETCH.MESSAGE.BYTES: "8388608" : default = 8,3mb . can increase if meet exception "Found a message larger than the maximum fetch size of this consumer"
From 11/20/2018, old master branch (no uReplcator-Manager module) is moved to branch-0.1. New master is backward-compatible and supports both non-federation and federation mode.
uReplicator provides a Kafka replication solution with high performance, scalability and stability.
uReplicator is good at:
- High throughput
- uReplicator has a controller to assign partitions to workers based on throughput in source cluster so each worker can achieve max throughput. (Currently it depends on Chaperone; We will make it get workload from JMX shortly)
- uReplicator checks lags on each worker and removes heavy traffic from lagging workers.
- High availability
- uReplicator uses smart rebalance instead of high level consumer rebalance which can guarantee smooth replication.
- High scalability
- When the scale of Kafka infrastructure increases, simply add more hosts to uReplicator and it will scale up automatically
- Smart operation (Federated uReplicator)
- Federated uReplicator can set up replication route automatically.
- When a route has higher traffic or lag, Federated uReplicator can add workers automatically and release afterwards.
- uReplicator can detect new partitions in source cluster and start replication automatically
You can find quick start and configurations in uReplicator User Guide.