Replace ADS citations with the appropriate INSPIRE ones in latex and bibtex
Why? Because ADS citation keys are not stable: they start out as something like 2019arXiv191207609s
and after being accepted to a journal turn into something like 2020PhRvD.101f4007S
. This means you
have to rewrite your latex, or you might even end up citing both entries!
In your Python environment run
python -m pip install ads2inspire
In your conda environment run
conda install -c conda-forge ads2inspire
In your Python environment from the top level of this repository run
python -m pip install .
In your Python environment run
python -m pip install "git+"
First latex/bibtex/latex your file, then run
ads2inspire [--backup] [--filter-type [ads|all]] [--fill-missing] auxfile.aux [texfile1.tex [texfile2.tex [...]]]
If your main tex file is named wonderful.tex
, then your auxfile will be named wonderful.aux
will read the aux file, query INSPIRE, then rewrite all the texfiles named on the
command line, and append to the first bibtex file named in auxfile. The option --backup
make the program write backups of the tex and bib files before rewriting them. The option
controls which keys to search for on INSPIRE: the default "ads"
will only
search for keys that look like ADS keys, while "all"
will try all keys (aside from those that
look like INSPIRE keys).
The --fill-missing
flag will query for INSPIRE-like keys that were
referenced in the LaTeX source, but missing from the .bib file, and
fill them into the .bib file if found.
Note that I have done very little testing! Want to pitch in and help make this code better? Please fork and send me PRs!
- More testing
- More filter types
- more?
The preferred BibTeX entry for citation of ads2inspire
author = "{Stein, Leo C. and Feickert, Matthew}",
title = "{ads2inspire: v0.3.0}",
version = {v0.3.0},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3903987},
url = {},