I am a final-year PhD at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, advised by Prof. Bingbing Ni. I received BEng and MEng degrees from the same university, and a double master's degree in France. I was a visiting research fellow in the Visual Computing Group at Harvard University. I am now visiting EPFL, Switzerland, working with Prof. Pascal Fua. I have authored 30+ papers on prestigious journals/conferences, e.g., Cancer Research, eBioMedicine, CVPR, MICCAI, NeurIPS, ICCV, and ICLR. I have been a reviewer for 10+ top-tier venues, a top-ranking participant for several AI competitions, and the lead organizer for MICCAI 2020 RibFrac Challenge. My research interests center around the interdisciplinary field of medical image analysis and 3D computer vision. Currently, I have been primarily investigating geometric deep learning in biomedical applications.
- M3DV/RibFrac-Challenge: MICCAI 2020 RibFrac Challenge: Rib Fracture Detection and Classification
- MedMNIST/MedMNIST: 18 MNIST-like Datasets for 2D and 3D Biomedical Image Classification: pip install medmnist
- M3DV/RibSeg: [MICCAI'21] RibSeg Dataset and Strong Point Cloud Baselines for Rib Segmentation from CT Scans
- M3DV/ACSConv: [IEEE JBHI] Reinventing 2D Convolutions for 3D Images
- M3DV/FracNet: [EBioMedicine] Deep-learning-assisted detection and segmentation of rib fractures from CT scans: Development and validation of FracNet
- TrustworthyDL/LeBA: [NeurIPS'20] Learning Black-Box Attackers with Transferable Priors and Query Feedback
- M3DV/SimTA: [MICCAI'20] MIA-Prognosis: A Deep Learning Framework to Predict Therapy Response
- M3DV/AlignShift: [MICCAI'21] A3D + [MICCAI'20] AlignShift: A Codebase for Universal Lesion Detection (DeepLesion)
- duducheng/DenseSharp: [Cancer Research] 3D Deep Learning from CT Scans Predicts Tumor Invasiveness of Subcentimeter Pulmonary Adenocarcinomas
- M3DV/Kickstart: Study route for learners in machine learning / deep learning / computer vision
- duducheng/2048-api: Educational API for developing ML (imitation learning or reinforcement learning) agents to play game 2048
- duducheng/clustering_tutorial: A Tutorial of KMeans(++), GMM and Spectral Clustering
- M3DV/ai-deadlines: ⏰ top AI deadline countdowns (with an emphasis on computer vision and medical images)
- duducheng/Learning-Notes: Notes and resources on Machine Learning
- duducheng/deeplabv3p_gluon: DeepLab v3+ in MXNet Gluon
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