redSHOP 3.x is a major release and breaking change version, including a lot of enhancement in core and bugs fixes. The new version is opened for people to contribute new features, bugs fixes, improvements.
- For redSHOP version <= 2.1.4: PHP Version: >= 5.6
- For redSHOP version >= 2.1.5: PHP Version: >= 7.0
redSHOP >= 2.1.5 follow PSR-12 code standard for PHP development instead of Joomla standard which is outdated and not work with PHP_Codesniffer 3.x
There are an MySQL Workbench DB Model file in src/db/redshop.mwb. When need some changes in DB structure:
- Use MySQL Workbench open this
file. - Add some necessary changes in MySQL Workbench
- Go to File > Export > Forward Engineer SQL Create Script...
- Choose path for output script file (admin/sql/mysql/install.sql)
- Check on 2 option Generate DROP Statements Before Each CREATE Statement and Omit Schema Qulifier in Object Names.
- Open generated install.sql file and remove the comments from MySQL Workbench
- In install.sql, remove this line at top:
- In install.sql, remove this line at bottom:
- Twig library is ready and embeded into redSHOP.
- Almost tags system of redSHOP using Twig template instead of PHP inline
- Remaining layouts, views of redSHOP is moving to Twig and PHP Inline will be deprecated soon.
Please follow the next steps in order to release a new version of redSHOP.
- Execute component_packager.xml PHING file to generate the main component package (includes 1 module and 2 plugins).
Before you can run any Gulp command you need to:
- download and install NodeJS
- install npm:
sudo npm install
- install Gulp:
npm install --save gulp-install
- install joomla-gulp-release:
sudo npm install --save-dev joomla-gulp-release
- download and install NodeJS If you need to update NodeJS do as bellow:
- install:
npm install -g n
- update Node to version you want, example NodeJS 2:
sudo n 12
- npm install:
npm install --save-dev
- rebuild node-sass:
npm rebuild node-sass
- we will support gulp task rewritten in version 4 very soon. Currently, all gulp script are executed properly with version 3.9
Version and other information can be set in
Use this command to release component. Version and other information can be set in
gulp release:component
gulp release:module
gulp release:plugin
This command will read the base directory and create zip files for each of the folder.
Pass an argument to choose different folder
--folder {source direcory} Default: "./plugins"
Pass an argument to change suffix for extension
--suffix {text of suffix} Default: "plg_"
gulp release:extensions --folder ./modules --suffix ext_
- Move the language files to the translations repository:
- Check in 24hours that Transifex was able to get the new translation strings adding them to the .ini resource files
- Check if any plugin has been changed in this last release:
$ git log --oneline --after={2013-04-18} --no-merges --name-only | grep 'plugins/.*' | cut -d/ -f2,3 | sort | uniq
Or Compare across versions
git log --oneline 1.4/dev19...develop --no-merges --name-only | grep 'plugins/.*' | cut -d/ -f2,3 | sort | uniq > /var/www/packages/plugins.log
- if plungins have been modified:
- Update the release number in their manifest .xml file with the same release number as the component. For example if we are releasing redSHOP 1.3 and plugin plg_default_shipping has been updated during 1.2 - 1.3 period, then you should set the plugin version to 1.3 here: or leave it as it is if it has not been touch.
- execute the plugins_packager.xml PHING file and upload the new release to
Note: to match the plugins with it's compatible core version see redCOMPONENT-COM#1548
- Check if any module has been changed in this last release:
$ git log --oneline --after={2013-04-18} --no-merges --name-only | grep 'modules/.*' | cut -d/ -f2,3 | sort | uniq
Or Compare across versions
git log --oneline 1.4/dev19...develop --no-merges --name-only | grep 'modules/.*' | cut -d/ -f2,3 | sort | uniq > /var/www/packages/modules.log
- if modules have been modified:
- Update the release number in their manifest .xml file in the same way you have done it with plugins
- execute the modules_packager.xml PHING file and upload the new release to
- test the packages to ensure that everything works properly.
- share the package in the redSHOP testing chat, so others can do some testing.
- add fast fixes if issues has been identified during testing
- Generate the final packages and contact the Product Owner (Ole) and ask him to upload the packages to
- Create the Changelog list of commits:
git log --oneline 1.4/dev25...develop --no-merges --format="* %s ( %h )" > /var/www/packages/changelog2.log
- Upload the list to
- Update component version number with next release number at
- Create an empty update .sql file at:
- Merge development branch into Master (see successful git-branching model: )
- Create a release git TAG
- create the tag in local:
$ git tag -a 1.3 -m "Version 1.3 Stable"
- Upload the tag to Github:
$ git push --tags
- Check that tag has been created:
- Create the release:
- Add a description to the release with the changelog information that you generated in the previous step
See: testing redSHOP
Will be updated here soon.