Lua Library Compactor is a small terminal program, created for to easily the compaction of Lua libraries in a format nicknamed of Local Package.
In summary, Lim create a copy of the file used like argument and accomplish a serie of abbreviations and remotions of characters, trying not break the code logic. Its objective is not become the code more fast, but yes minor in relation to the characters size (and as a consequence in bytes
Lim can be used in practically all type of program that use Lua, but its main finality is assist in the build of small libraries to the Tic80 Tiny Computer, like the libraries natives of the project TinyLibrary.
For obtain more informations about Lim, in relation to the rules, good pratices and others informations, click here.
Simple example
local seed = math.random(math.random(0, 65536))
_G.__CUR_MAP = 0 -- CURrent MAP
local function LIB_collision(ent1, ent2) -- ENTity
-- reference
local errorMsg = "Table not specified. Argument #"
-- check arguments type
assert(type(ent1) == "table", "1"..errorMsg)
assert(type(ent2) == "table", "2"..errorMsg)
-- collision between squares/rectangles
return math.max(ent1.x, ent2.x) < math.min(ent1.x + ent1.width, ent2.x + ent2.width ) &&
math.max(ent1.y, ent2.y) < math.min(ent1.y + ent1.height, ent2.y + ent2.height)
local LIB={}
do local MR19,A0,T21,MM12,MM14=math.random,assert,type,math.max,math.min local seed=MR19(MR19(0,65536))__CUR_MAP=0 LIB.collision=function(a,b)local c="Table not specified. Argument #" A0(T21(a)=="table","1"..c)A0(T21(b)=="table","2"..c)return MM12(a.x,b.x)<MM14(a.x+a.width,b.x+b.width)&&MM12(a.y,b.y)<MM14(a.y+a.height,b.y+b.height)end end
--local reference=LIB
~ +--> Table that will be store the library functions
~ |
~ +---------+
1 local TL={}
2 do local MA0=math.abs TL.abs=function(a) return MA0(a) end end
~ ++ +----------------+ +----------------------------------+ +-+
~ | | | |
~ | +--> References to LUA functions | |
~ | | |
~ | Function of the library <--+ |
~ +----------------------------------------------------------+
~ |
3 local lib=TL +--> Contention to the library environment
~ +----------+
~ |
~ +--> Reference to the library