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duck7000 edited this page Dec 1, 2024 · 31 revisions

Description of the working

You can use this class to make advanced searches on imdb GraphQL API

The default parameters are all empty as you need to provide search input.
Calling advancedSearch without any parameters returns empty array, no point to search, so at least one parameter has to be provided!

Calling the class

$imdb = new \Imdb\TitleSearchAdvanced();
$results = $imdb->advancedSearch($searchTerms, $genres, $types, $creditId, $startDate, $endDate, $countryId, $languageId, $keywords, $companyId);

Config Options

There are 5 options in config:
titleSearchAdvancedAmount: 250 (limits the search results, default: 250
SortBy: default: "POPULARITY"
SortBy values:

       Gross revenue pulled in via box-office in Domestic market for entire lifetime of title.
       Domestic refers to North America (U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico)
       ASC: Lower numbers means the title has pulled in less box-office revenue, so poorer performing titles will be first.
       Overall Metascore based on critic reviews. Titles without a metascore are
       placed at the end when using ASC sort order.
       ASC: Lower Metacritic score means the title is rated more poorly, so titles with worse scores will be first.
       Star Rating given by the requesting user.
       ASC: Lower star rating means the title the user rated the title more poorly, so most disliked titles will be first.
       Date when customer rated a title.
       ASC: Earlier (older) ratings will be first.
       TitleMeterType.TITLE_METER (aka Pro MOVIEMeter). Score given to non-episodic title types.
       ASC: Lower popularity score means that the title is more popular, so the most popular titles will be first.
       Sort results based on specified ranking algorithm. For the advancedTitleSearch query, exactly one ranked title list
       constraint must be specified for using this sort option.
       ASC: Higher ranks will be first.
       Earliest wide release date of a title. Titles without a release date are
       placed at the end when using ASC sort order.
       ASC: Earlier (older) released title will be first.
       The length of the title in terms of runtime.
       ASC: Lower runtime means the title is shorter, so shortest titles will be first.
       Alphabetical sorting based on regional title text as determined by user language preferences.
       Language preference is determined by x-imdb-user-country and x-imdb-user-language headers.
       Only supports the languages/regions we support for localized search. Defaults to original title otherwise.
       ASC: Lower numbers and letters near the top of the alphabet will be returned first.
       Weighted IMDb Star Rating as determined by users
       Note: IMDb maintains a threshold to a minimum number of ratings before it is considered.
       ASC: Lower star rating means the title is rated more poorly, so titles with worse ratings will be first.
       Count of ratings given by users
       Note: IMDb maintains a threshold to a minimum number of ratings before it is considered.
       ASC: Lower count of ratings means the title has been rated a fewer number of
       times, so titles with least ratings will be first.
       The recognized year of the title. Typically, the release year, but guidelines are here:
       ASC: Earlier (older) titles will be first.<br>

SortOrder: "ASC" (default: "ASC")

       Ascending order e.g. 1,2,3
       Descending order e.g. 3,2,1

titleSearchAdvancedThumbnailWidth: Default: 140, can be set to just about anything but keep ratio in mind

titleSearchAdvancedThumbnailHeight: Default: 207, can be set to just about anything but keep ratio in mind

Search parameters

  • searchTerm: search on specific title text like "the matrix" or "pirates"
    This searches only on titleText, not a general text search.
    Matches titles on original and regional name and affected by localization.

  • genres: search on specific genres (can be more then one, separate by ,) (Horror,Action etc) It works by using genreId's:

       Action, Adult, Adventure, Animation, Biography, Comedy, Crime,
       Documentary, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Film-Noir, Game-Show,
       History, Horror, Music, Musical, Mystery, News, Reality-TV,
       Romance, Sci-Fi, Short, Sport, Talk-Show, Thriller, War, Western
  • types: search on specific titleTypes (can be more then one, separate by ,) (movie,tvSeries etc) It works by using titleTypeId's:
       movie, tvSeries, short, tvEpisode, tvMiniSeries, tvMovie, tvSpecial,
       tvShort, videoGame, video, musicVideo, podcastSeries, podcastEpisode
  • creditId: search on specific person (actor or producer etc) single person id only, it works by using creditId's:
       Example Peter Fonda has creditId 0001228 so use '0001228' as creditId (without "nm")
  • ReleaseDate: Search on specific start and/or end date. Dates must be in iso form like this: '1950-01-01' (year-month-day)
       $startDate: if provided search start at this date until present date (1950 - present date)
       $endDate: if provided search start at this date and earlier (1955 - older)
       If both $startDate and $endDate are provided search will be limited within this date period
       If no $startDate or $endDate is provided search within all dates is used
  • countryId: iso 3166 country code like "US" or "US,DE" (separate by comma)
       Codes can be found here:
  • languageId: iso 639 Language code like "en" or "en,de" (separate by comma)
         Codes can be found here:
  • keywords: like "sex" or "sex,drugs" (separate by comma)

  • companyId: like "0185428" (single companyid is supported, without "co")


@return Title[] array of Titles

      ['imdbid']          string      imdbid from the found title
      ['originalTitle']   string      originalTitle from the found title
      ['title']           string      title from the found title
      ['year']            string      year or year span from the found title
      ['movietype']       string      titleType from the found title
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