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duck7000 edited this page Dec 2, 2024 · 1 revision

This describes the working of News class with description of the used method and what data it returns

News class get the latest news about movie, tv etc like IMDb displays on their news page:
It returns a array of titles
Thumbnail width and height are fixed 500x281

Calling the class

$imdb = new \Imdb\News();
$results = $imdb->newsList();


  • @note max 250 items are returned, this covers about a year
  • @parameter $listType
    This defines which type of list is return like movie or tv shows
    Default is set to MOVIE
    Possible values for $listType:
* TV

@ return Array[] of array

      [id] =>             (string) (without ni)
      [title] =>          (string) news item title
      [author] =>         (string) 
      [date] =>           (string) iso date string
      [extUrl] =>         (string) 
      [exturlLabel] =>    (string) label used for extUrl
      [textHtml] =>       (string) 
      [textText] =>       (string) 
      [thumbnailUrl] =>   (string) 
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