Lots of bug fixes, new stuff and code restructures
Added NameSearchAdvanced class
Calendar class comingSoonSteaming() fixed bug missing config options
ImageFunctions class, changed scale to match (SY to UY) and (SX to UX) to prevent scaling and white space in thumbnails
Added video() to Title class gets all video urls without trailers
Title class trailer() added missing id
Title class trailer() fixed bug runtime
Title class trailer() added new info to output array
Title class mainPhoto() changed thumbnails and setting in config
Name class credit() and creditKnownFor() changed thumbnail size to 140x207
Name class added missing thumbnail vars
TitleSearchAdvanced changed $creditId and $companyId without nm or co
Title class otherCompany() fxed typo
Chart class mostPopularTitle() added filter on genre parameter
Chart class mostPopularTitle() added include adult constraint to include adult titles
Added new class News this will get latest news
Chart class added new method topBoxOffice()
NameSearchAdvanced class fixed bug $names not set if there are no results
TitleSearchAdvanced class added more info to the output array
Title class added new method watchOption()
Name class award(), code restructure and bug fixes
Name class credit() code restructured and bug fix
Title class episode() code restructured, change: full img max width 1000px instead height
Title class award() added images
Title class trailer() Added parameter $customThumb, old style image url or the new style
Lots of code restructures to better readability and code understanding
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