Convenience wrapper around pyueye API for IDS cameras.
Pypyueye allows to easily display live videos, save images or record videos usin IDS cameras.
Relative to the original pypyueye, this fork replaces opencv with imageio, for fewer incompatibilities with embedded systems.
python install
The dependencies (pyueye
and opencv
) should be installed automatically.
You still have to install the IDS driver for the camera you intend to use.
Note that all data formats are 8-bit except for .tiff and .bip which are 16-bit
The following script allows to display the live video:
from pypyueye import Camera, FrameThread, PyuEyeQtApp, PyuEyeQtView
from pyueye import ueye
with Camera(device_id=0, buffer_count=10) as cam:
# Camera settings
cam.set_aoi(0, 0, 800, 400)
# Get Live video
# Set up the view
app = PyuEyeQtApp()
view = PyuEyeQtView()
# Set up the thread gathering images
thread = FrameThread(cam, view)
# Stop the thread on view closing
See for more examples.
The script simple_capture runs the camera without any metaparameters, while capture typically requires command added inline. The different options can be seen by running "python3".
Note that all the file formats except envi use imageio for saving, but envi uses spectral python. Thus, to save as envi requires specifying the absolute file path, whereas the other file types can be stored with relative file paths.
Pypyueye is documented inline. The documentation of the Camera class is a good start.