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Releases: dsheeler/CoverflowAltTab

Fix the Freezes; GNOME 47 Support

07 Sep 22:27
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What's Changed

  • New in Translations:

  • New in Code:

    • Big Deal: fixed cause of freezes #237!!! Thank you @Sputnik2a for logs that helped find the culprit!

    • Gnome 47 support (@nater1983)

    • New, icon and label scale up/down and can choose to fade in/out and/or scale up/down when new icons and labels are displayed

    • Inverted swipes for timeline switcher so more intuitive

    • Have drags flip with the natural scrolling touchpad setting so that drags stay aligned with touchpad gestures

    • Fixed overlay and attached icon sizes to actually specified size (not scaled by text scaling factor anymore)

    • Fixed missing values for some GSettings keys that was causing journal warnings (@ryonakano)

    • Icon disappearance animations continue while swiping

    • Icon disappearance animations also continue despite very fast switching instead of restarting on every switch and not disappearing effectively

    • Code cleanup (indentation tabs -> spaces) (@ryonakano)

Full Changelog: v75...v76


21 Aug 18:51
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This release adds nothing new to v74, functionally, but has some internal changes to pass the review (v74 was rejected).

Full Changelog: v74...v75


21 Aug 01:42
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What's Changed

  • New in Translations:
    • German by Atalanttore
    • Spanish by gallegonovato
    • Chinese (Traditional) by hugoalh
  • New in Code:
    • Swipes on the Timeline switcher work better
    • New, internal keybindings specific to the extension that are not used by other Alt-Tab window switchers to avoid conflicts
    • New DBus interface added so the switcher can be controlled through the DBus, e.g., from the command line
    • Now saving and restoring the preferences window size
    • More robust swiping in general by disallowing keyboard interaction during swipes
    • Can use the Blur my Shell extension to apply effects (blur, etc.) to the switcher background. Thanks @ppoffice and @aunetx!!!
    • Preferences broken out into more pages
    • Secondary monitor panels provided by the App Icons Taskbar extension can now be hidden along with the primary panel
    • Added capability to turn on/off verbose logging

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v73...v74


01 Jun 06:47
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What's Changed

  • Mouse scrolling now fractionally progresses through the windows instead of jumping two or more windows at the slightest scroll. I think it behaves better; maybe need an option for how sensitive the scroll is.
  • Made the mouse-over highlight color a user setting.

Full Changelog: v72...v73

v72: GNOME 46

25 Feb 18:32
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What's Changed

  • Support for GNOME 46.

GNOME Version Support

Since I use Arch linux and its GNOME versions lag behind other distributions', I will simultaneously maintain, at least until Arch gets 46, two branches of the code, one for 45 and one for 46. I will develop 46 in the master branch and back-port changes to a branch created from tag v71, gnome-45. This will only affect people who install from source as I will upload the 45 and 46 versions as appropriate to the GNOME extensions website.

Full Changelog: v71...v72

v71: Weblate FTW!

25 Feb 03:08
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What's Changed

  • Smoother drawing of effect property changes of the application switcher.
  • Improved timeline switcher animations of the fading in and out of the last and first previews in the stack.
  • Replaced deprecated add/remove_actor calls with add/remove_child calls in anticipation of GNOME 46.
  • Started using Weblate to facilitate translations.
  • New Norwegian Bokmål translation from @comradekingu.
  • Updated Spanish translation by gallegonovato.
  • Updated French translation by ButterflyOfFire.
  • Updated Polish translation by @gnu-ewm.
  • Updated Portuguese (Brazil) translation by @IagoEmanuel15.


While I appreciate any contribution (especially cash), since I am monolingual, I especially appreciate help with translations. Thanks go to @comradekingu, gallegonovato, ButterflyOfFire, @gnu-ewm, and @IagoEmanuel15 for using Weblate to contribute translations!!!

Full Changelog: v70...v71

v70: Happy Holidays!

27 Dec 19:36
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What's Changed

  • Ignore built files by @QuentiumYT in #211

  • Allow attached icons in any mode as an option, not just on app switcher.

  • Broke up app switcher tint color into a color and a blend setting
    instead of a color with alpha.

  • Saved background color in a setting so it can be used in prefs.js to set
    the tint color.

  • Just one size for attached and overlay icons instead of sizes for each.

  • Maybe better placement of coverflow side previews when
    preview_to_monitor_ratio gets small. Scale the distance from the
    middle preview based on it.

  • Listen for gnome-shell theme changes and update the background
    color setting to match the new theme.

  • Reorganized preferences. Fixed some subtle bugs.

  • Some code cleanup.

  • Added github and paypal to preferences donation page.

  • Added some logic to get attached icons to fade in / out correctly in timeline switcher.

  • Minor fix for overlay icon going behind previews in timeline switcher.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v69...v70

v69, Dude!

24 Nov 03:49
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  • Found a trick to make off-center monitor windows redraw without artifacts.
  • Re-introduced the timeline switcher.
  • Added optional icons over the previews in application switcher mode.

Full Changelog: v68...v69

Subswitchers and Swipes! v68

12 Nov 04:34
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Major Changes

  • GNOME 45 support
  • Added sub-switchers when in application switcher mode
  • Added initial support for multi-touch swiping (tested with an apple magic trackpad)
  • Removed Timeline switcher (too hard to maintain, for now)
  • Switching to version numbers that match those on the official extensions website.
  • Read the complete changelog!

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.14...v68


27 Dec 14:40
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What's Changed

  • Added an improved preferences window that uses Libadwaita. New preference groups and pages create structure from what was a flat list.

  • Added ability to choose preview by mouse click. Also added option to raise the window under the mouse to the top and a separate option to highlight the window under the mouse which is useful because windows are sometimes drawn in a smaller area than their total allocation, i.e., they have a translucent margin around the contents of the window which can lead to clicking on the wrong window.

  • Added ability to pick window easing, i.e., your windows can bounce into place, and you may choose from most clutter easing modes. Optionally, you may choose for each window to ease in a randomly selected way , e.g., one window bounces into place while another slides.

  • Added two ways to correct perspective issues on multiple-monitor setups (both of which have issues...) with an option to choose which or no correction; see below for details.

  • Added option to turn on or off the handling of the the keybindings switch-windows and switch-applications separately. Since coverflow identically handles both modes, a user might want to disable handling of switch-applications. Better switch-application handling is incubating.

  • Added ability to optionally randomize the animation times, i.e., windows take different times to move with no window taking longer than the set duration.

  • In previous versions, windows would be scaled linearly the further they were from the center window. This lead to a situation where with many windows, the ones far enough away scaled with a negative factor; windows went from large to small until they hit zero scaling and continued to grow in negative scale. This version now scales windows exponentially the further away from center such that windows far away get very small, but never invert. There is an option to control this exponential multiplier.

  • Added option to pick maximum ratio of window to monitor size such that windows that have a bigger ratio are shrunk. This was a hard-coded ratio of 0.5, and it can now be as big as 1 and small as 0 (for the unusable case).

  • Fixed an issue of windows on different workspaces easing to the position they would have on the different workspace, then disappearing.

  • Changed the stack flip algorithm such that the windows disappear on one side and reappear on the other and the timing is staggered.

  • Use the text-scaling-factor desktop setting for HIDPI monitor support.

  • Fixed previews easing to the wrong monitor if mouse changes monitor.

  • Increased the darkness of the dimming effect; fixed bug that prevented fade-in and fade-out transitions.

  • Fixed z ordering of previews after a flip.

  • Fixed animation bug that prevented the switcher from functioning after destroying a window.

  • Fix minimized selected windows not easing back to pre-minimized position and suddenly jumping to it.

  • Added optional icon shadow.

  • Added preferences for the overlay icon size and opacity.

  • Added a symbolic coverflow icon.

Multiple-monitor Perspective Correction

This version features two ways to correct the issue of oddly rotated window previews on off-center monitors. Check out #178. This is an issue of perspective, and from the Desktop Cube extension source code, I stole a method that moves the camera in front of off-center monitors. Amazeballs! The first solution I came up with was to rotate the windows such that they look correct even though they are off-center. I used trial and error angles on my three monitor setup and hardcoded some values that looked good. This method will work for 2 or 3 monitors, but no more, and all monitors must have 16.9 resolution. The camera moving technique is great when things are stationary but has some issues drawing when windows rotate, but it will work for N monitors and any resolution. They both fail to correctly pick the window under the mouse, so this is hardly ideally solved, but it's a start, and I like it better than nothing.

Merged Pull Requests:

  • Fix call to popModal. by @dsheeler in #166
  • fixed animation error after full rotate of all apps by @N7K5 in #169
  • Fix previews easing to the wrong monitor if mouse changes monitor by @dsheeler in #171
  • Use the desktop text scaling factor for readability on HIDPI by @dsheeler in #172
  • Added GNOME 43 support by @PHLAK in #177
  • Added options for enabling or disabling the switch-windows and switch… by @dsheeler in #180
  • Find angle needed to correct perspective and use it. by @dsheeler in #178
  • French translation update (new str. + consist. & corr.) by @kirmaha in #179

New Contributors

Many thanks to everyone who did work for this release, and a special shoutout to new contributors:


Full Changelog: v1.13...v1.14