David Shean
November 2016
Processing scripts used to prepare DEM data for analysis of Pine Island Glacier melt rates as described in the following papers:
- Shean, D. E., I. R. Joughin, P. Dutrieux, B. E. Smith, and E. Berthier (2019), Ice shelf basal melt rates from a high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) record for Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica, The Cryosphere, 13(10), 2633–2656, doi:10.5194/tc-13-2633-2019.
- Shean, D. E., K. Christianson, K. M. Larson, S. R. M. Ligtenberg, I. R. Joughin, B. E. Smith, C. M. Stevens, M. Bushuk, and D. M. Holland (2017), GPS-derived estimates of surface mass balance and ocean-induced basal melt for Pine Island Glacier ice shelf, Antarctica, The Cryosphere, 11(6), 2655–2674, doi:10.5194/tc-11-2655-2017.
See stack_proc.sh
for an overview of the full DEM stack correction and melt rate calculation workflow
Input was stack of 256 m gridded DEMs over the PIG catchment, generated using make_pig_stack_20160307.sh
Basic workflow:
performs optimization to solve for DEM tilt and bias correctionapply_lsq_tiltcorr.py
applies the resulting corrections to the DEMs in the stackndinterp_vel.py
prepares interpolated velocity stacks for melt rate calculationstack_melt_lsq_path.py
computes melt ratesndinterp_dem.py
prepares interpoated DEM stacks for flux-gate analysis
I apologize for the states of these scripts - most were written and re-written during the frantic 3-6 months before my PhD defense, when I had many bad habits. I had every intention of cleaning these up and releasing, but other projects quickly occupied my time. Maybe someday...