Scripts to download and process the NASADEM SRTM products
- Note: TanDEM-X global mosaic processing scripts moved here: *
Information about the NASADEM project:
Offical data product release:
Provisional tiles (used for this repo) downloaded from:
Some scripts rely on utilities in these packages:
- wrapper to process all downloaded tiles and create
- script to fetch tiles for given lat/lon bounds and product
- create an ENVI header for the raw
- post-process mosaics with error filter, vertical datum shift, reprojection, shaded relief map
- apply max error threshold filter to hgt tiles
Note: these were written for one-time processing of regional mosaics for existing projects. They call several other scripts (listed in Requirements section), with limited error checks. I've tried to clean up and generalize, but don't currently have time for further refinement or usage improvement. Please treat them as a reference, and feel free to fork and modify hardcoded values for your own needs.
Mosaic parameters:
- Resolution: 30 m
- Extent: (25N, 65E, 47N, 106E)
- Projection: WGS84 (EPSG:4326) and Custom HMA Albers Equal Area
The following are available for HMA and CONUS.
All products have external overviews (*.ovr) derived using average resampling. These enable fast visualization of the otherwise unweildy full-res tif files.
- hma_nasadem_hgt.tif - srtmOnly elevation, height above WGS84 Ellipsoid, 32-bit float
- hma_nasadem_hgt_lt5m_err.tif - srtmOnly elevation, masked to preserve pixels with <5 m error, 32-bit float
- hma_nasadem_hgt_aea.tif - same as above, reprojected with Albers Equal Area
- hma_nasadem_hgt_lt5m_err_aea.tif - same as above, masked for error <5 m
- hma_nasadem_hgt_aea_hs_az315.tif - shaded relief map, illumination azimuth 315°, elevation 45°
- hma_nasadem_hgt_lt5m_err_aea_hs_az315.tif - shaded relief map
- hma_nasadem_err.tif - elevation error in mm, 16-bit Int
- hma_nasadem_img.tif - mosaiced radar backscatter images, 8-bit
Note that some tiles were missing when this figure was generated. These will be available in the final product release.