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EventFiltering/PWGEM: add software trigger for photons
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dsekihat committed Jan 5, 2024
1 parent f91accd commit c999542
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Showing 10 changed files with 574 additions and 178 deletions.
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions EventFiltering/CMakeLists.txt
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Expand Up @@ -82,9 +82,14 @@ o2physics_add_dpl_workflow(mult-filter

SOURCES PWGEM/photonFilter.cxx
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2Physics::AnalysisCore O2::DetectorsBase
SOURCES PWGEM/EMPhotonFilter.cxx
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2Physics::AnalysisCore O2::DetectorsBase O2Physics::PWGEMPhotonMesonCore

PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2Physics::AnalysisCore O2::DetectorsBase O2Physics::PWGEMPhotonMesonCore

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317 changes: 317 additions & 0 deletions EventFiltering/PWGEM/EMPhotonFilter.cxx
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@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
// See for details of the copyright holders.
// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

// \brief software trigger for EM photon
// \author [email protected]

#include "Math/Vector4D.h"
#include "Framework/runDataProcessing.h"
#include "Framework/AnalysisTask.h"
#include "Framework/AnalysisDataModel.h"
#include "Framework/ASoAHelpers.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/CaloClusters.h"
#include "DataFormatsPHOS/TriggerRecord.h"
#include "PWGEM/PhotonMeson/DataModel/gammaTables.h"
#include "PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Core/V0PhotonCut.h"
#include "PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Core/CutsLibrary.h"
#include "EventFiltering/filterTables.h"
#include "Framework/HistogramRegistry.h"

using namespace o2;
using namespace o2::soa;
using namespace o2::aod;
using namespace o2::framework;
using namespace o2::framework::expressions;

using MyCollisions = soa::Join<aod::Collisions, aod::EvSels>;
using MyCollision = MyCollisions::iterator;

using MyPrimaryElectrons = soa::Join<aod::EMPrimaryElectrons, aod::EMPrimaryElectronsPrefilterBit>;
using MyPrimaryElectron = MyPrimaryElectrons::iterator;

struct EMPhotonFilter {

enum EM_Filter_PhotonType {
kPCM = 0x1,
kPHOS = 0x2,
kEMC = 0x4,

enum trigs {
kPHOS_Photon = 0,
kPHOS_El = 1,
kPHOS_Pair = 2,
kPHOS_Nbar = 3,
kPCM_HighPtPhoton = 4,
kPCM_MatCalib = 5,
kPCM_EtaDalitz = 6,
kPCM_EtaGG = 7,
kPCM_EE = 8,

Produces<aod::PhotonFilters> tags;

Configurable<float> ePhot{"ePhot", 2.2, "Minimal photon energy (GeV)"};
Configurable<float> eEl{"eEl", 1., "Minimal electron energy (GeV)"};
Configurable<float> ePair{"ePair", 0.35, "Minimal photon pair mass (GeV)"};
Configurable<int> nNbar{"nNbar", 2, "Minimal number of nbar clusters"};

// for PCM
Configurable<float> min_pt_tagging{"min_pt_tagging", 0.f, "min. pT for tagging"};
Configurable<float> max_mee_pi0_dalitz{"max_mee_pi0_dalitz", 0.12, "max. mee for pi0 dalitz decay"};
Configurable<float> min_meeg_pi0{"min_meeg_pi0", 0.04, "min. meeg for pi0"};
Configurable<float> max_meeg_pi0{"max_meeg_pi0", 0.24, "max. meeg for pi0"};
Configurable<float> max_mee_eta_dalitz{"max_mee_eta_dalitz", 0.5, "max. mee for eta dalitz decay"};
Configurable<float> min_meeg_eta{"min_meeg_eta", 0.35, "min. meeg for eta"};
Configurable<float> max_meeg_eta{"max_meeg_eta", 0.75, "max. meeg for eta"};
Configurable<float> slope{"slope", 0.0185, "slope for m vs. phiv"};
Configurable<float> intercept{"intercept", -0.0280, "intercept for m vs. phiv"};
Configurable<float> min_pt_pcm_photon{"min_pt_pcm_photon", 4.f, "min. pT for PCM photon"};

HistogramRegistry mHistManager{"events", {}, OutputObjHandlingPolicy::AnalysisObject, true, true};

void init(o2::framework::InitContext&)
auto scalers{std::get<std::shared_ptr<TH1>>(mHistManager.add("hEventCounter", "Number of filtered events", HistType::kTH1F, {{20, 0.5, 20.5}}))};
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "all events");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "sel8");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "|Z_{vtx}| < 10 cm");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "sel8 && |Z_{vtx}| < 10 cm");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "PHOS photon");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6, "PHOS electron");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7, "PHOS pair");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8, "PHOS nbar");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9, "PHOS photon & electron");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(10, "PHOS photon & pair");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(11, "events with PHOS");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(12, "PCM high p_{T} photon");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(13, "PCM Material budget calibration");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(14, "PCM #eta #rightarrow ee#gamma");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(15, "PCM #eta #rightarrow #gamma#gamma");
scalers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(16, "PCM DalitzEE #gamma-#gamma^{*} BEC");

Preslice<aod::V0PhotonsKF> perCollision_pcm = aod::v0photonkf::collisionId;
Preslice<aod::DalitzEEs> perCollision_ee = aod::dalitzee::collisionId;
Preslice<aod::CaloClusters> perCollision_phos = aod::calocluster::collisionId;
Preslice<aod::SkimEMCClusters> perCollision_emc = aod::skimmedcluster::collisionId;

template <uint8_t system, typename TCollisions, typename TPhotons1, typename TPhotons2, typename TPhotons3, typename TV0Legs, typename TDielectrons, typename TEMPrimaryElectrons>
void runFilter(TCollisions const& collisions, TPhotons1 const& photons1, TPhotons2 const& photons2, TPhotons3 const& photons3, TV0Legs const&, TDielectrons const& dielectrons, TEMPrimaryElectrons const& emprimaryelectrons)
for (auto& collision : collisions) {
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 1.);
bool keepEvent[kNtrg]{false};

if (collision.sel8()) {
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 2.);
if (abs(collision.posZ()) < 10.f) {
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 3.);
if (collision.sel8() && abs(collision.posZ()) < 10.f) {
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 4.);

if constexpr (static_cast<bool>(system & EM_Filter_PhotonType::kPCM)) {
auto photons1_per_coll = photons1.sliceBy(perCollision_pcm, collision.globalIndex());
auto dielectrons_per_coll = dielectrons.sliceBy(perCollision_ee, collision.globalIndex());

for (auto& v0photon : photons1_per_coll) {
if ( > min_pt_pcm_photon) {
keepEvent[kPCM_HighPtPhoton] = true;
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 12);
} // end of single v0 photon loop

for (auto& [g1, g2] : combinations(CombinationsFullIndexPolicy(photons1_per_coll, dielectrons_per_coll))) {
if ( < min_pt_tagging) { // this is only to increase rejection factor
if (g2.mass() > max_mee_pi0_dalitz) { // select only pi0 candidates
if (g2.mass() < slope * g2.phiv() + intercept) {
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v1(, g1.eta(), g1.phi(), 0.);
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v2(, g2.eta(), g2.phi(), g2.mass());
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v12 = v1 + v2;

if (min_meeg_pi0 < v12.M() && v12.M() < max_meeg_pi0) {
keepEvent[kPCM_MatCalib] = true;
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 13);

} // end of dielectron-photon pair loop

for (auto& [g1, g2] : combinations(CombinationsFullIndexPolicy(photons1_per_coll, dielectrons_per_coll))) {
if (g2.mass() > max_mee_eta_dalitz) { // select only eta candidates
if (g2.mass() < slope * g2.phiv() + intercept) {

ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v1(, g1.eta(), g1.phi(), 0.);
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v2(, g2.eta(), g2.phi(), g2.mass());
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v12 = v1 + v2;

if (min_meeg_eta < v12.M() && v12.M() < max_meeg_eta) { // eta -> eeg
keepEvent[kPCM_EtaDalitz] = true;
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 14);
} // end of dielectron-photon pair loop

for (auto& [g1, g2] : combinations(CombinationsStrictlyUpperIndexPolicy(photons1_per_coll, photons1_per_coll))) {
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v1(, g1.eta(), g1.phi(), 0.);
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v2(, g2.eta(), g2.phi(), 0.);
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v12 = v1 + v2;

if (min_meeg_eta < v12.M() && v12.M() < max_meeg_eta) { // eta -> gg
keepEvent[kPCM_EtaGG] = true;
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 15);
} // end of photon-photon pair loop

for (auto& [g1, g2] : combinations(CombinationsFullIndexPolicy(photons1_per_coll, dielectrons_per_coll))) {
if (g2.mass() < slope * g2.phiv() + intercept) {
keepEvent[kPCM_EE] = true;
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 16);
} // end of dielectron-photon pair loop

} // end of PCM decision

if constexpr (static_cast<bool>(system & EM_Filter_PhotonType::kPHOS)) {
int nPHOSclu = 0;
int nPHOSnbar = 0;
auto photons2_coll = photons2.sliceBy(perCollision_phos, collision.globalIndex());
for (const auto& clu : photons2_coll) {

// Scan current cluster
// photons
keepEvent[kPHOS_Photon] |= (clu.e() > ePhot);
// charged clusters above threshold
keepEvent[kPHOS_El] |= (clu.trackdist() < 2. && clu.e() > eEl); // 2: Distance to CPV cluster in sigmas
// antineutrons
if ((clu.ncell() > 2 && clu.m02() > 0.2 && clu.e() > 0.7 && clu.trackdist() > 2.) &&
((clu.e() < 2. && clu.m02() > 4.5 - clu.m20()) ||
(clu.e() > 2. && clu.m02() > 4. - clu.m20()))) {

// inv mass
if (clu.trackdist() < 1.) {
auto clu2 = clu;
for (; !keepEvent[kPHOS_Pair] && clu2 != photons2.end(); clu2++) {
// cluster selections
if (clu2.trackdist() < 1.) { // select neutral clusters. Disp, Ncell cuts?
double m = pow(clu.e() + clu2.e(), 2) - pow(clu.px() + clu2.px(), 2) -
pow( +, 2) - pow(clu.pz() + clu2.pz(), 2);
if (m > ePair * ePair) {
keepEvent[kPHOS_Pair] |= true;
} // end of cluster loop
keepEvent[kPHOS_Nbar] = (nPHOSnbar >= nNbar);

// Collision processed, fill scalers here
if (nPHOSclu) {
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 11.);
// Can not fill with variable, have to fill manually
if (keepEvent[kPHOS_Photon]) {
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 5.);
if (keepEvent[kPHOS_El]) {
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 9.);
if (keepEvent[kPHOS_Pair]) {
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 10.);
if (keepEvent[kPHOS_El]) {
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 6.);
if (keepEvent[kPHOS_Pair]) {
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 7.);
if (keepEvent[kPHOS_Nbar]) {
mHistManager.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 8.);

// // EMC decision
// if constexpr (static_cast<bool>(system & EM_Filter_PhotonType::kEMC)) {
// // so far, do nothing.
// }
tags(keepEvent[kPHOS_Photon], keepEvent[kPHOS_El], keepEvent[kPHOS_Pair], keepEvent[kPHOS_Nbar], keepEvent[kPCM_HighPtPhoton], keepEvent[kPCM_MatCalib], keepEvent[kPCM_EtaDalitz], keepEvent[kPCM_EtaGG], keepEvent[kPCM_EE]);
} // end of collision loop

void process_PCM(MyCollisions const& collisions, aod::V0PhotonsKF const& v0photons, aod::V0Legs const& v0legs, aod::DalitzEEs const& dielectrons, MyPrimaryElectrons const& emprimaryelectrons)
const uint8_t system = EM_Filter_PhotonType::kPCM;
runFilter<system>(collisions, v0photons, nullptr, nullptr, v0legs, dielectrons, emprimaryelectrons);

Filter phosCluFilter = (o2::aod::calocluster::e > 0.3f);
using CluCandidates = o2::soa::Filtered<o2::aod::CaloClusters>;
void process_PHOS(MyCollisions const& collisions, CluCandidates const& clusters)
const uint8_t system = EM_Filter_PhotonType::kPHOS;
runFilter<system>(collisions, nullptr, clusters, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

void process_EMC(MyCollisions const& collisions, aod::SkimEMCClusters const& clusters)
const uint8_t system = EM_Filter_PhotonType::kEMC;
runFilter<system>(collisions, nullptr, nullptr, clusters, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

void process_PCM_PHOS(MyCollisions const& collisions, aod::V0PhotonsKF const& v0photons, aod::V0Legs const& v0legs, aod::DalitzEEs const& dielectrons, MyPrimaryElectrons const& emprimaryelectrons, CluCandidates const& clusters)
const uint8_t system = EM_Filter_PhotonType::kPCM | EM_Filter_PhotonType::kPHOS;
runFilter<system>(collisions, v0photons, clusters, nullptr, v0legs, dielectrons, emprimaryelectrons);

void processDummy(MyCollisions const& collisions)
for (int i = 0; i < collisions.size(); i++) {
tags(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false);

PROCESS_SWITCH(EMPhotonFilter, process_PCM, "Process PCM software trigger decision", false);
PROCESS_SWITCH(EMPhotonFilter, process_PHOS, "Process PHOS software trigger decision", false);
PROCESS_SWITCH(EMPhotonFilter, process_EMC, "Process EMC software trigger decision", false);
PROCESS_SWITCH(EMPhotonFilter, process_PCM_PHOS, "Process PCM and PHOS software trigger decision", false);
PROCESS_SWITCH(EMPhotonFilter, processDummy, "Process dummy", true);

WorkflowSpec defineDataProcessing(ConfigContext const& cfg)
return WorkflowSpec{
adaptAnalysisTask<EMPhotonFilter>(cfg, TaskName{"em-photon-filter"})};

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