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PWGEM/Dilepton: add a task for BC counter
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dsekihat committed Jan 30, 2025
1 parent 6da4285 commit 3cd2098
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Showing 2 changed files with 147 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions PWGEM/Dilepton/Tasks/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,11 @@ o2physics_add_dpl_workflow(table-reader-barrel
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2::Framework O2Physics::AnalysisCore O2::DetectorsBase O2Physics::PWGDQCore

SOURCES bcCounter.cxx
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2::Framework O2Physics::AnalysisCore

SOURCES eventQC.cxx
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2::Framework O2Physics::AnalysisCore
Expand Down
142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions PWGEM/Dilepton/Tasks/bcCounter.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
// See for details of the copyright holders.
// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
// ========================
// This code is for bc counter.
// Please write to: [email protected]

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>
#include <optional>

#include "TString.h"
#include "Framework/runDataProcessing.h"
#include "Framework/AnalysisTask.h"
#include "Framework/ASoAHelpers.h"
#include "Common/Core/RecoDecay.h"
#include "MathUtils/Utils.h"
#include "Framework/AnalysisDataModel.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/EventSelection.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/Multiplicity.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/Centrality.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/Qvectors.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/PIDResponse.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/PIDResponseITS.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/TrackSelectionTables.h"
#include "CCDB/BasicCCDBManager.h"
#include "PWGEM/PhotonMeson/DataModel/gammaTables.h"
#include "PWGLF/DataModel/LFStrangenessTables.h"

using namespace o2;
using namespace o2::aod;
using namespace o2::framework;
using namespace o2::framework::expressions;
using namespace o2::soa;

using MyBCs = soa::Join<aod::BCsWithTimestamps, aod::BcSels>;
using MyCollisions = soa::Join<aod::Collisions, aod::EvSels>;
using MyMCCollisions = soa::Join<MyCollisions, aod::McCollisionLabels>;

struct bcCounter {
// Configurables
// Configurable<std::string> ccdburl{"ccdb-url", "", "url of the ccdb repository"};
// Service<o2::ccdb::BasicCCDBManager> ccdb;

HistogramRegistry fRegistry{"output", {}, OutputObjHandlingPolicy::AnalysisObject, false, false};

void init(InitContext&)
// ccdb->setURL(ccdburl);
// ccdb->setCaching(true);
// ccdb->setLocalObjectValidityChecking();
// ccdb->setFatalWhenNull(false);

~bcCounter() {}

void addhistograms()
// event info

const int nbin_ev = 3;
auto hBCCounter = fRegistry.add<TH1>("Data/hBCCounter", "bc counter;;Number of bcs", kTH1D, {{nbin_ev, 0.5, nbin_ev + 0.5}}, false);
hBCCounter->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "all");
hBCCounter->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "FT0AND");
hBCCounter->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "FT0AND && vertex found");
fRegistry.add("Data/hNcollsPerBC", "Number of rec. collisions per BC", kTH1D, {{21, -0.5, 20.5}}, false);

fRegistry.addClone("Data/", "MC/");

SliceCache cache;
PresliceUnsorted<MyCollisions> preslice_collisions_per_bc = o2::aod::evsel::foundBCId;
// std::unordered_map<uint64_t, int> map_ncolls_per_bc;

void processData(MyBCs const& bcs, MyCollisions const& collisions)
// first count the number of collisions per bc
for (const auto& bc : bcs) {
auto collisions_per_bc = collisions.sliceBy(preslice_collisions_per_bc, bc.globalIndex());
// map_ncolls_per_bc[bc.globalIndex()] = collisions_per_bc.size();
fRegistry.fill(HIST("Data/hNcollsPerBC"), collisions_per_bc.size());
// LOGF(info, "bc-loop | bc.globalIndex() = %d , collisions_per_bc.size() = %d", bc.globalIndex(), collisions_per_bc.size());

fRegistry.fill(HIST("Data/hBCCounter"), 1.0);
if (bc.selection_bit(o2::aod::evsel::kIsTriggerTVX)) {
fRegistry.fill(HIST("Data/hBCCounter"), 2.0);

if (collisions_per_bc.size() > 0) { // at least 1 reconstructed vertex exists.
fRegistry.fill(HIST("Data/hBCCounter"), 3.0);
} // end of bc loop

// for (const auto& collision : collisions) {
// auto bc = collision.template foundBC_as<MyBCs>();
// // LOGF(info, "collision-loop | bc.globalIndex() = %d, ncolls_per_bc = %d", bc.globalIndex(), map_ncolls_per_bc[bc.globalIndex()]);
// } // end of collision loop

// map_ncolls_per_bc.clear();
PROCESS_SWITCH(bcCounter, processData, "process Data", true);

void processMC(MyBCs const& bcs, MyMCCollisions const& collisions, aod::McCollisions const& mccollisions)

// first count the number of collisions per bc
for (const auto& bc : bcs) {
auto collisions_per_bc = collisions.sliceBy(preslice_collisions_per_bc, bc.globalIndex());
// map_ncolls_per_bc[bc.globalIndex()] = collisions_per_bc.size();
fRegistry.fill(HIST("hNcollsPerBC"), collisions_per_bc.size());
// LOGF(info, "bc-loop | bc.globalIndex() = %d , collisions_per_bc.size() = %d", bc.globalIndex(), collisions_per_bc.size());

fRegistry.fill(HIST("hBCCounter"), 1.0);
if (bc.selection_bit(o2::aod::evsel::kIsTriggerTVX)) {
fRegistry.fill(HIST("hBCCounter"), 2.0);

if (collisions_per_bc.size() > 0) { // at least 1 reconstructed vertex exists.
fRegistry.fill(HIST("hBCCounter"), 3.0);
} // end of bc loop
PROCESS_SWITCH(bcCounter, processMC, "process MC", false);

WorkflowSpec defineDataProcessing(ConfigContext const& cfgc)
return WorkflowSpec{
adaptAnalysisTask<bcCounter>(cfgc, TaskName{"bc-counter"})};

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