Collection of DSB custom GitHub actions and reusable workflows for terraform projects.
For workflow and development documentation refer to the docs.
The actions are used by the CI/CD workflow(s) in .github/workflows.
├── create-test-report --> creates comment report with terraform test action results
├── create-tf-vars-matrix --> creates common DSB terraform CI/CD variables
├── create-tftest-matrix --> creates matrix for running terraform module test
├── create-validation-summary --> creates summary comment in table format
├── export-env-vars --> export environment variables for use in subsequent action steps
├── lint-with-tflint --> run linting of terraform code with TFLint
├── setup-terraform-plugin-cache --> setup and configure plugin cache on runners
├── setup-tflint --> install TFLint and make available to subsequent action steps
├── terraform-docs --> inject terraform-docs config and terraform module documentation into
├── terraform-fmt --> checks if terraform code is formatted
├── terraform-plan --> run terraform plan in directory
├── terraform-apply --> run terraform apply in directory
└── terraform-test --> run terraform test in directory
└── .github/workflows --> directory for reusable workflows
├── terraform-terraform-ci-cd-default.yml --> default ci/cd workflow for DSB's
├── terraform-module-release --> tag and release module. Creates release plan PR.
└── terraform-module-ci --> default ci workflow for module testing
terraform projects
Workflow terraform-ci-cd-default
Default DSB CI/CD workflow for terraform projects that performs various operations depending on from what github event it was called and given input. See docs for workflow information, configuration and behavior.
Workflow terraform-module-ci
This GitHub Actions workflow is designed for Continuous Integration (CI) of Terraform modules.
See docs for workflow information, configuration and behavior.
Workflow terraform-module-release
Workflow for release of terraform modules (Semver tag + github release).
See docs for workflow information, configuration and behavior.