Display Surveys and allow logged in users to respond to and create new questions.
Developed using Ruby on Rails Rails 7.2.1, this app uses Hotwire components: TurboStreams, TurboFrames and a little stimulus.
- Realtime updates across browsers
- Full page refresh no longer occurs when a question is answered. The Yes and No percentages are refreshed via a broadcasted turbo stream
- Pagination added to Survey index page
- No Sidekiq necessary
- Deployed to http://survey.web-site1.com
- Create new questions
- Answer questions (Yes or No)
- Install Ruby 3.2.3
- Install redis-server (if not already installed)
- Unzip to new directory (e.g. survey)
- cd to new directory
- bundle
- rails db:setup
- this step creates the database, loads the schema and seeds the database with the following users
- admin, palo and george
- their passwords are all 123456789
- this step creates the database, loads the schema and seeds the database with the following users
- rail s
- login as any user in one browser window
- open a different browser or run an incognito chrome window and login as a different user
- create a question or two in both browsers
- respond Yes or No in the grid in both browsers
- notice changes instantly appear in both browser windows!
- Note: A user can change his/her response to a question but his/her response will never be counted twice. (i.e. no duplicate responses)
- Enjoy!
- Ruby 3.2.3
- Rails 7.2.1
- Bundler 2.5.18
- redis server
Run full test suite and the test coverage will appear on the last line:
$ rspec