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Using Docker with Singularity on the Dardel Cluster

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for creating, deploying, and running containers using Docker and Singularity on the Dardel cluster.

1. Prepare the Container with Docker

Save Modifications to the Docker Container

If you've modified a running container, save its state as a new image:

docker commit <container_id_or_name> <repository>:<tag>


docker commit flamboyant_agnesi drowsygoat/r_archr:1.0.4

Push the Image to Docker Hub

Upload the container image to Docker Hub for easy access from the cluster:

docker push <repository>:<tag>


docker push drowsygoat/r_archr:1.0.4

Test or Modify the Image Locally

Before deploying, verify and refine the container by running it locally:

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/mnt <repository>:<tag>


docker run -it -v $(pwd):/mnt drowsygoat/r_archr:1.0.3

2. Deploy the Container on the Dardel Cluster

Pull the Docker Image with Singularity

Load Singularity module if not loaded

ml singularity

Pull the Docker container into a Singularity Image Format (SIF) file:

singularity pull -F <output_filename>.sif docker://<repository>:<tag>


singularity pull -F r_archr.sif docker://drowsygoat/r_archr:1.0.4

Run the Container on the Cluster

Use the script to execute commands inside the container: -B <bind_path> <sandbox_name> <command> [options...]

Example: -B /cfs/klemming/ r_archr Rscript "$my_script" --dir "$JOB_NAME" --name "$sample_id" --sample "$sample_path" --threads "$cpus" --gtf "$anno"

3. Understanding the Script

The script simplifies running containers on the cluster with proper bindings and environment isolation.

Key Features

  • Default Paths:

    • Local Base Path: /cfs/klemming/projects/snic/sllstore2017078/lech
    • Container Base Path: /mnt
    • Sandboxes Path: /cfs/klemming/projects/supr/sllstore2017078/lech/singularity_sandboxes
  • Singularity Options:

    • -b: Bind custom paths for local and container base directories.
    • -B: Bind additional custom paths (same in host and container).
    • -c: Use --cleanenv for a clean environment.
    • -C: Use --contain for container isolation.

Usage Syntax [-b] [-B <host_path>] [-c] [-C] <sandbox_name> <command> [options...]

How It Works

  1. Bind Paths: The script binds directories between the host and the container.

    • By default, it binds the current working directory.
    • With -b, it binds LOCAL_BASE_PATH to CONTAINER_BASE_PATH.
    • With -B, it binds additional custom paths.
  2. Environment Options:

    • --cleanenv: Clears the container’s environment, using only the provided variables.
    • --contain: Isolates the container from the host system.
  3. Run Command: The container is executed using singularity exec:



To run an R script within the container: -B /cfs/klemming/ r_archr Rscript "$my_script" --dir "$JOB_NAME" --name "$sample_id" --sample "$sample_path" --threads "$cpus" --gtf "$anno"

4. Workflow Summary

  1. Use Docker to create and test your container.
  2. Push the container to Docker Hub for deployment.
  3. Pull the container on the Dardel cluster using Singularity.
  4. Run the container on the cluster using script with appropriate options.

Using AWS in a Singularity Container

This guide provides instructions on how to configure and use AWS CLI inside a Singularity container, as well as how to pull the container from Docker as a SIF file.

1. Pulling the Container from Docker and Converting to SIF

To use the bioinfo_toolkit container, you need to first pull it from Docker and convert it to a SIF (Singularity Image Format) file.

Run the following command:

singularity pull -F bioinfo_toolkit.sif docker://drowsygoat/bioinfo_toolkit:latest

This will download the container as bioinfo_toolkit.sif.

2. Running the Singularity Container and Configuring AWS

Once you have the SIF file, you can execute AWS commands inside the container.

2.1 Start the Singularity Container

singularity exec --bind /your/local/path:/your/container/path --pwd /your/container/path bioinfo_toolkit.sif bash
  • Replace /your/local/path with the directory you want to mount inside the container.
  • Replace /your/container/path with the working path inside the container.

Alternatively, you can use to run it after adding:

export PATH=$PATH:/cfs/klemming/projects/snic/sllstore2017078/kaczma-workingdir/RR/scAnalysis/scripts_chicken_repo/helper_scripts

to your .bashrc (or another shell configuration file).

2.2 Configure AWS Inside the Container

Run the following command: bioinfo_toolkit aws configure

You will be prompted to enter your AWS credentials:

AWS Access Key ID [None]: <your-access-key>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <your-secret-key>
Default region name [None]:
Default output format [None]:

2.3 Verify AWS Configuration

Check that the credentials are saved correctly: bioinfo_toolkit cat ~/.aws/credentials

Check the configured region: bioinfo_toolkit cat ~/.aws/config

2.4 Perform an AWS S3 Sync Operation (Dry Run)

To test an S3 sync operation without making actual changes, use: bioinfo_toolkit aws s3 sync s3://bmkdatarelease-3/delivery_2025022415420100000268/ ./ --dry-run

2.5 Perform a Real AWS S3 Sync Operation

Once confirmed, run: bioinfo_toolkit aws s3 sync s3://bmkdatarelease-3/delivery_2025022415420100000268/ ./ --exact-timestamps

If you want to log the output of the sync operation for review, run: bioinfo_toolkit aws s3 sync s3://bmkdatarelease-3/delivery_2025022415420100000268/ ./ --dryrun >> ../aws.txt

This will download the files from S3 to your local directory.

3. Exiting the Singularity Container

Once done, exit the container:


or use:

Ctrl + D

4. Additional Notes

  • If you encounter issues with modules or dependencies inside the container, try restoring system defaults using:

    source /opt/cray/pe/cpe/23.12/


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