Do multiple admin tasks to your puppet clients. Tested using Puppetry.
- Ubuntu 12.04
- Debian 7
- CentOS 6.4
Add multiple sudoers.
admin::sudoer { 'foo':
ssh_key => 'somesshpubkey', # Optional
password => 'somesha512hash', # Make sure hash is in single quotes!
no_sudopass => true, # Optional, when you run sudo, you will not be prompted for a password
uid => '555', # Optional, but should be defined
shell => '/bin/bash', # Optional
home => '/home/foo', # Optional
groups => ["users","admin"], # Array of groups
Add multiple users.
admin::user { 'foo':
ssh_key => 'somesshpubkey', # Optional
password => 'somesha512hash', # Make sure hash is in single quotes!
uid => '555', # Optional, but should be defined
shell => '/bin/bash', # Optional
home => '/home/foo', # Optional
groups => ["users","admin"], # Array of groups
Setup snmp on client to communicate to a Cacti server.
class { 'admin::cacti':
comm_name => 'public', #snmp community name
comm_ip => '', #IP addess or range to allow snmp traffic
Installs nagios plugins (and NRPE) on client.
class { 'admin::cacti':
root_path => '/opt/nagios' #root path to install nagios plugins
nrpe => true #If you want nrpe installed
ssllib_path => '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' #The path to the SSL library
nagios_host => "" #Path to nagios host.