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Merge pull request #13 from driessamyn/query-signle-implementation #53

Merge pull request #13 from driessamyn/query-signle-implementation

Merge pull request #13 from driessamyn/query-signle-implementation #53

GitHub Actions / Test Results succeeded Nov 21, 2024 in 0s

All 23 tests pass, 2 skipped in 3s

 7 files  + 1   7 suites  +1   3s ⏱️ -1s
25 tests + 2  23 ✅ + 2  2 💤 ±0  0 ❌ ±0 
51 runs  +16  49 ✅ +16  2 💤 ±0  0 ❌ ±0 

Results for commit 321e96d. ± Comparison against earlier commit 52d4e17.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

2 skipped tests found

There are 2 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
Raw output
net.samyn.kapper.api.JavaUsabilityTest ‑ canQuerySingle()
net.samyn.kapper.api.UsabilityTest ‑ can query single()

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

25 tests found

There are 25 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
net.samyn.kapper.AutoConverterTest ‑ when binary UUID convert()
net.samyn.kapper.AutoConverterTest ‑ when invalid source type throw()
net.samyn.kapper.AutoConverterTest ‑ when invalid target type throw()
net.samyn.kapper.AutoConverterTest ‑ when string UUID convert()
net.samyn.kapper.MapperTest ‑ should convert when type not known()
net.samyn.kapper.MapperTest ‑ should map to super hero respecting defaults()
net.samyn.kapper.MapperTest ‑ should map to super hero()
net.samyn.kapper.MapperTest ‑ should throw when non-optional are missing()
net.samyn.kapper.MapperTest ‑ should throw when too many columns()
net.samyn.kapper.QueryParserTest ‑ [1] SELECT * FROM super_hero WHERE id = :id, SELECT * FROM super_hero WHERE id = ?, {id=[1]}
net.samyn.kapper.QueryParserTest ‑ [2] SELECT * FROM super_hero WHERE id = @id, SELECT * FROM super_hero WHERE id = ?, {id=[1]}
net.samyn.kapper.QueryParserTest ‑ [3] INSERT INTO super_hero(id, name) VALUES (:id, :name) RETURNING *, INSERT INTO super_hero(id, name) VALUES (?, ?) RETURNING *, {id=[1], name=[2]}
net.samyn.kapper.QueryParserTest ‑ [4] UPDATE super_hero SET name = :name WHERE id = :id, UPDATE super_hero SET name = ? WHERE id = ?, {name=[1], id=[2]}
net.samyn.kapper.QueryParserTest ‑ when invalid token character is used()
net.samyn.kapper.QueryParserTest ‑ when no tokens return empty map()
net.samyn.kapper.QueryParserTest ‑ when query is very large()
net.samyn.kapper.QueryParserTest ‑ when token contains numbers()
net.samyn.kapper.QueryParserTest ‑ when token is at the beginning of the query()
net.samyn.kapper.QueryParserTest ‑ when tokens are repeated()
net.samyn.kapper.QuerySingleTests ‑ [1] PostgreSQL
net.samyn.kapper.QuerySingleTests ‑ [2] MySQL
net.samyn.kapper.QueryTests ‑ [1] PostgreSQL
net.samyn.kapper.QueryTests ‑ [2] MySQL
net.samyn.kapper.api.JavaUsabilityTest ‑ canQuerySingle()
net.samyn.kapper.api.UsabilityTest ‑ can query single()